Enable the Contact update - CPR

When the CPR update module has been installed in WorkZone and configured to connect to the KMD Logic platform, you can enable the Contact update - CPR module for all WorkZone users.

Enable Contact update - CPR

The Contact update - CPR module is part of the initial WorkZone installation, but it is disabled by default, so you must enable it manually.

In WorkZone Configurator, enable the following feature settings:

  • Content Server > Contact update
  • Content Server > Contact update > CPR

Make sure to disable the Client > CPR Integrationand Content Server > CPR Integration features, as they will override the Contact update.

Disabling the Contact update - CPR module

If you later disable the Contact update - CPR module, all existing CPR contact data will remain as it was when the module was disabled, and all subscriptions for future updates from the Danish Central Office of Civil Registration (CPR) will be canceled.