Using custom domain/label

Custom domain and label dependency

It is possible to make data entries in the custom label module dependant on data from the custom domain module displayed in a drop-down lists.

The purpose of this feature is to allow tailor made labels and drop-down list values in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client. This enables you to implement the data set and labels of your organization, and furthermore to control what data can be registered from within a specific label.

implement a dependency

When you register cases in WorkZone Client or Captia Web Client concerning for example grounded ships, you must register the cause of the grounding. In this example, the organization has a predefined list of so called Grounding codes. Each code describes the type of cause for the ship to run aground.

The organization does not want the case handlers to individually define the causes, but want them to use a predefined list of causes. Therefore, it is necessary to make the predefined list the only option when registering the cause of the grounding, for example on the case details page in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client.

configure a label with a dependency on values from a custom domain

Follow the process below to configure a label with mandatory data entries from a predefined and controlled drop-down list.

1: Create domain type

  1. Open the Custom Domain module and create a new domain type, in this example "GC, Grounding cause".
  2. Select the domain type TY,Cust. dom. type.
  3. In this domain, create a value with code GC and the text Grounding cause.
  4. Saved it to the database and it becomes an individual domain type. Now it is displayed in the panel All Domain Types.

2:  Create values for the domain type

  1. In the Custom Domain module, select the domain type you just created. The upper right panel is displayed with the header "Domain: GC (Grounding cause)".
  2. Create the necessary values for the domain type, for example CO, Collision, NM, Navigational mistake, and so on.

3:  Create custom label

  1. Open the Custom Label module and create a label and then dedicate a data field for registering the grounding cause.
  2. In the All Label Types panel, select label type SO for case information. The values, i.e. labels of this label type, are displayed in the upper right panel.
  3. Enter the name of the label in the Label, Text and Localized Label cells, in this example "Grounding".This is the label which is going to be displayed in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client.

4:  Create the dependency between the custom domain type and the custom label type


Now attach a dependency (i.e. routine) to the label.

The Routine cell displays a drop-down list. Here you must select the domain type of  the label, creating a controlled drop-down list.

In this example, you must selecte "Grounding cause".

The IIS Admin service must be reset before the dependencies take fully effect in the user interface.

5:  Custom domain and label in Captia Web Client


A ship running aground is to be registered in Captia Web Client. The Captia Web Client user logs on and creates a new case registering the grounding.

To register the cause of grounding, the user must select the cause and supply it as case information in section 4:

  1. Open the list "Information" using the menu item More... > Information.
  2. Open a new  information entry by clicking Functions > Add to list.
  3. Open the drop-down list "Custom label for free case information" and select the relevant label , in this example "Grounding".
  4. Open the drop-down list of the "Information" field and select the relevant value - in this example CO, Collision.
  5. Save the information.

Resetting of the IIS Admin service

When dependencies have been created, the IIS Admin Service must to be reset before your changes take effect and can be employed fully in the WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client user interface.