Terminate domain type

You can terminate domains which are no longer in use. When entering an End Date in a domain, the following happens in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client:

  • Values no longer in use remain in place where they were originally used, for instance values on cases. If you, for example, terminate the custom domain GC, Grounding causes, the values of that domain remain where they were registered in WorkZone Client or Captia Web Client.
  • The values of the domain will no longer be available in the drop-down list of the field to which they originally belonged. However, they will still be available in search pages in the WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client user interfaces.

terminate a custom domain

  1. Click Basic Data > Custom Domain.
  2. Click the column to the left of the domain type, TY, Cust. dom. type.
  3. Click the End date of the Domain Type you want to terminate.
  4. Click the cell of End date once more to activate the drop-down list.
  5. Click the date you want to insert as End Date.
  6. Place the cursor in another cell and click Database > Save. You now have terminated the domain type.

To terminate a domain immediately, insert yesterday's date as the end date.