Person Address

Addresses are related to persons by name_key fields in the Name and Name_address tables.

Mapping of the FESD attributes to the WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services database fields and notes on WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services implementation are presented in the table below.

FESD Parameter WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Table WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Field WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Implementation Notes
countryIdentificationCode Name_address country_code  
municipalityName N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
streetCode N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
streetBuildingIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
districtSubDivisionIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
postOfficeBoxIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
postCodeIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
mailDeliverySublocationIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
floorIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
suiteIdentifier N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
secondaryAddressLabel N/A N/A Ignored at input. For output concatenation of 6 address lines with spaces between line contents are returned.
N/A Name_address address_type Is filled in with ‘HA’ value.
N/A Name_address name_key Is filled in with value found in Name table by value of Person’s GUID.
postalAddressFirstLineText Name_address address1 On input this is stored in name_address.address1. On output name_address.address1 is returned.
postalAddressSecondLineText Name_address address1, address2 On input this is concatenated into name_address.address1. On output name_address.address2 is returned.
postalAddressThirdLineText Name_address address2 On input this is concatenated into name_address.address2. On output name_address.address3 is returned.
postalAddressFourthLineText Name_address address2, address3 On input concatenated into name_address.address2. On output an empty string is returned.
postalAddressFifthLineText Name_address address3 On input concatenated into name_address.address3. On output an empty string is returned.
postalAddressSixthLineText Name_address address3 On input concatenated into name_address.address3. On output an empty string is returned.