
You can start using WorkZone Cloud Edition if you are new to WorkZone or if you are already using WorkZone as an on-premises solution.


The main prerequisites for WorkZone Cloud Edition are:

  • Microsoft Entra ID as a customer directory. For more information, see Register WorkZone in Azure in the WorkZone Installation Guide.
  • WorkZone Active Directory Service on the on-premises domain, if you are on WorkZone on-primises already.
  • Enrollment of WorkZone in Azure and setup of SCIM provisioning. For more information, see Enroll WorkZone in Azure and set up SCIM provisioning in the WorkZone Installation Guide.

  • Microsoft Office 365
  • Microsoft Exchange Online

Move from WorkZone on-premises to WorkZone Cloud Edition

The prerequisites listed above also applies to existing on-premise customers. To transfer data from WorkZone on-premises to the cloud edition, a data migration will be executed. The migration is performed similarly to a regular version upgrade. Prior to the data migration, you must ensured that the on-premise version is on one of two latest major versions or higher. If the source version is not on the requested version, an upgrade to a supported version will need to take place before data migration.

Customizations in WorkZone Cloud Edition

In WorkZone Cloud Edition, like any on-premises WorkZone installations, integrations, processes, workflows, and reports can be configured to suit an organization's specific needs. Customizations in WorkZone on-premises must be assessed to see if they can be moved into the cloud edition or alternatively be phased out. Integrations, processes, workflows, and reports can be configured to suit an organization's specific needs as is also possible on a WorkZone on-premises installation.

Unavailable services

Some WorkZone services and integrations are not available in WorkZone Cloud Edition due to lack of support or changed functionality in the Azure Cloud environment.

A list of services that are not available in WorkZone Cloud Edition can be seen in the support matrix for WorkZone - Cloud Edition.

Contact your WorkZone Service Delivery Manager to get more information on the prerequisites, requirements, and steps for migrating to WorkZone Cloud Edition.