Global page numbering

When creating a global PDF document based on one or more documents, you can number all pages in the global PDF document or report and display the page numbering in either the header or the footer of the PDF documents or of the report. 

Microsoft Word field codes ({page} and {numpage} are used as placeholder tokens for the page numbers.

Example: Page numbering

  • {page} of {numpage} ( da. {page} af {numpage} )
  • Page {page} ( da. Side {page} )
  • {page}

Where {page} is the page number and {numpage} is the total number of pages in the global PDF document.

Tip: Do not include page numbering functionality on the individual report templates, as this will result in two different page numberings on the document -one from the report itself and one from the PDF version of the report. If the report PDF also is part of a larger, aggregated PDF document, the two page numbering systems may display different values, formats and placement.

For more information about global page numbering of the global PDF document, see API documentation.