Apply access codes

The SetValue, CreateEntity, and UpdateEntities activity effects support applying access codes, which makes it possible to control access to information in WorkZone when you update information automatically with case activities. You can, for example, get the access code from one entity and apply this access code on another entity. You can apply access codes to any entity that has the AccessCode property such as Files, Records, and Custom Types.

Important: In a corporate access setup, do not set the CreateEntity activity effect to execute automatically if you have not specified an access code. In a corporate access setup, case activities are executed by a system user who does not have any access codes assigned, and thus the access code cannot be set automatically. However, if you define a specific access code, or if it is fetched from another entity, for example by using the GetValue activity effect, you can execute the CreateEntity activity effect automatically.

In a standard setup, you can set the CreateEntity activity effect to execute automatically if the access code is not specified.

See CreateEntity and Execute activities automatically.


Apply access codes to a new case with CreateEntity activity effect (Standard)

Example: In this example, a new case is created with the case group 00, the title New case - Standard, and the case handler of the case that the case activity is started from. All users with the access code ALLEEMNER or AABEN have read access, and only the user ANN has write access to the case.

Apply access codes to a new case with CreateEntity activity effect (corporate access setup)

Example: In this example, a new case is created with the case group 00, the title New case - Corporate access codes, and the case handler of the case that the case activity is started from. All users who have the term access code ALLEEMNER and the organizational access codes RE (Region East) or WE (Region West ) have read access to the new case. The user ANN who has the term access codes ALLEEMNER and ADMINISTRATION has write access to the case.