Configure standard letters

An organization may have standard letters that they want users to be able to include in SmartPost messages. A standard letter is a letter with predefined content that the user does not need to change before sending a message. The standard letter must be a Word document (docx or docm) or a Word template (dotx or dotm).

To make standard letters available to users in the Send SmartPost dialog, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Make sure that you have the TEMPLATEADM access code assigned.
  • Create a specific case to hold the standard letter documents and assign the case group named TEMPLATES to it.
  • Enter the case number of the case in the SmartPost process settings.

Create a case for standard letters

Prerequisite: The TEMPLATEADM access code.
  1. In WorkZone Client, create a case to hold the standard letters.
  2. Assign the case group named TEMPLATES to the case.
  3. Add the standard letter documents to the case.

Configure standard letters

  1. In WorkZone Configurator, click Process.
  2. Click Processes.
  3. Point to the SmartPost process. A menu bar appears.
  4. Click Edit process parameters.
  5. In the Edit process parameters dialog, select the case that contains the standard letters in the StandardLetterFileNo parameter.

When the setup is complete, the users will see a Standard letter option and a list of standard letters in the Send SmartPost dialog.