Work with emails in WorkZone

In the WorkZone pane in Microsoft Outlook, you can edit email information for your sent or received emails saved to WorkZone.

  • For shared mailboxes, WorkZone functionality is only supported on Microsoft WorkZone 365 with Exchange Server Online (it is not supported on Microsoft Office 2019 or Microsoft Office 2021, and with Exchange Server 2019). WorkZone email categories for shared mailboxes are not supported yet.
  • WorkZone functionality is not supported for public folders yet.
  • You can save your sent and received emails to WorkZone on new or already existing cases.
  • Emails are saved to WorkZone as .eml files. Email attachments are saved in their corresponding format (.doc or .docx files for Word documents, .xlsx or .xls for Excel documents, and so on).
  • You can change metadata information for emails saved to WorkZone (edit the needed fields in the WorkZone pane, and click Save).
  • Emails and their attachments will share the same metadata. If you need to have different metadata for an email and its attachment, you can change the needed metadata fields inWorkZone Client.
  • Before an email is saved to WorkZone for the first time, you can select its State as Archived – ARK or Locked document – UL.
    • Locked document – UL. The email state can be changed to Archived – ARK.
    • Archived – ARK. The email state cannot be changed.
  • The Document type field will be automatically set to I, Incoming, except for the following scenarios:
    • If sender is the current user, the Document type will be set to O, Outgoing.
    • If sender's email is directly in the To or Cc fields, the Document type will be left empty.
    • If the email is located in a shared mailbox, the Document type will be left empty.
  • Click to pin the WorkZone pane, so that it is always visible when you switch between emails.
  • You can work with saved WorkZone emails also from WorkZone Client and WorkZone Explorer.

Configure WorkZone pane

See Configure the WorkZone pane.

Send WorkZone documents as email attachments

When creating emails in Outlook, you can attach to them one or more of the WorkZone documents. You can do that in two ways:

Tip: You can attach WorkZone documents to your emails as links, documents, or PDF documents.

Attach WorkZone documents from clipboard in WorkZone Client

  1. In WorkZone Client, select one or more documents and click Share > Copy to clipboard on the ribbon.
  2. Create a new Outlook email.
  3. Open the WorkZone pane and click WorkZone > Attach from clipboard.
  4. From your clipboard, select the needed documents.
  5. Tip: Click to open your WorkZone clipboard in a larger view with more metadata information about the documents.

  6. Click Attach, and select relevant option from the droplist:
    • Links
    • Documents
    • PDF documents (this option is available only for PDF documents)
    • Documents will be added to your email according to the selected option.

Search and attach WorkZone documents from an email

  1. Create a new Outlook email.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane and click WorkZone > Search documents.
  3. On the Document search pane, a list of your most recently used documents is displayed.

    For more advanced searching:

    1. Click to open the Document search pane in a larger view.
    2. Enter your search criteria in relevant field:
      • Free text
      • Search in (select the needed value from a droplist)
      • Document number
      • Case handler (select the needed value from a droplist)
      • Title
      • Case number
    3. Click Search.
  4. Select one or more documents, click Attach, and select relevant option from the droplist:
    • Links
    • Documents
    • PDF documents (this option is available only for PDF documents)
    • Documents will be added to your email according to the selected option.

Save an email and its attachments as individual documents in WorkZone

When you save an email with attachments (attached files or embedded files) to a case in WorkZone, you can save the email message and its attachments as individual documents on the selected case. The email message will always be saved as a main document. For email attachments, you can choose to save them either as main documents, or as supplementary documents to the main document that was created from the email message.

  • Your organization can decide whether to include attachments into the email message file that you save to WorkZone. This is configured by your WorkZone administrator in WorkZone Configurator under 365 > Outlook configuration > Email attachments > Save emails without attachments.
    • When Save emails without attachments setting is enabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone without any attached files (embedded elements, such as logos, graphical signatures and so on, will not be removed). When saving the email message, you can select to save its attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case (see steps 3-4 below).


      • Digitally signed emails will be saved without the digital signature.
      • Encrypted emails will be saved as a single file, including the attachments. Additionally, you can save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case (see steps 3-4 below).
    • When Save emails without attachments setting is disabled: The email message will be saved to WorkZone together with all its attachments merged into a single file. Additionally, when saving the email message, you can select to save the attachments as separate supplementary documents or main documents on the same case (see steps 3-4 below).
  • When you open the WorkZone pane, all attachments of an opened email are automatically displayed on the Attachments tab. Image files can be previewed by hovering the mouse over them.
  • The metadata (letter date, document type, classification, etc.) will be the same for the email and all of its attachments.
  • If you have saved only some of the attachments, you can return and save the remaining attachments to the same case later.
  • You can save an already saved email (or email attachment) as a new document on another WorkZone case, with or without editing its details.
  • The Case handler and Organizational unit values for a new document will be automatically inherited from the selected case. You can change these values manually, if needed.
  1. Open an Outlook email with attachments that you want to save.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane.
  3. On the Attachments tab, select the attachments that you want to save.
    • If the email contains the embedded objects inserted into the email body and regular attachments, the Attachments tab will have two lists: Embedded files and Attachments. This is to make it easier skipping embedded elements, such as logos, graphical signatures and so on. The total number of items in each list will be displayed in "()", for example, "Embedded files (3)".
    • Tip:
      • Click the check box next to Embedded files or Attachments to select all of the items in that list.
      • Hover the mouse over an image file to preview it.
      • The Embedded files list is collapsed by default. Click to expand it.
  4. Select how to save the selected attachments:

    • Click Save as main documents to save all selected attachments as individual main documents on a case.
    • -Or-

    • Leave the Save as main documents option disabled to save the selected attachments as individual supplementary documents on the main document for the email itself.
  5. On the Document tab, fill in the required WorkZone metadata information for your email and selected attachments.
    • By default, all attachments will be saved with the same metadata information as the email itself. To save the attachments under different metadata:
    1. Select the needed attachment(s) and click to expand the metadata fields.
    2. Tip:

      Click the check box next to Embedded files or Attachments to select all items in that list.

    3. Edit the metadata fields as needed.


      • If you change the Case field value, the Classification value will be automatically changed to the classification of the selected case (if the case has no classification, the default document classification code defined for your organization in WorkZone Configurator will be used instead. And if the default document classification code is not defined - the classification of your Desktop case will be used). You can change it manually, if needed.
      • The Case handler and Organizational unit values will be automatically inherited from the selected case. You can edit these fields manually, if needed.
      • If you select a Case group, fields that were defined for this case group by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Taxonomy > Classification Scheme) will be filled in automatically. You can edit any of the automatically filled values manually, if needed. If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
  6. Click Save. The email and attachments selected in step 3 will be saved in WorkZone as individual main or supplementary documents on the case selected in step 5.
    • To open the saved email or attachment as a document in WorkZone Client, click Go to...>Document in WZ Client or click next to the needed attachment on the WorkZone pane.
    • To open the case with your saved email and attachments, click Go to...>Case in WZ Client.

Save an email on another case

After saving an email on a case, you can save it as a new document on another WorkZone case.

  1. Open an Outlook email that you want to save.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane.
  3. From the Case droplist, select the needed case.
    Tip: Click Only cases this email is saved on to show only cases where this email is already saved.
  4. If needed, edit the metadata fields.
  5. Click Save.

Save an email on a new case

If you need to save your email on a new WorkZone case, you can create a case directly from Outlook.

  1. Open an Outlook email that you want to save.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane.
  3. Next to the Case droplist, click Create new case and then select the needed case category.
  4. In the Create new case dialog, fill in the mandatory fields.
    Note: If you have the CONFIGADM access rights, you can configure fields that will be displayed in the Create new case dialog. See Configure the new case fields.
  5. Click Save. The new case is created and automatically selected in the Case field.
  6. Click Save.
  • To create cases with the Standard case case category, the Allow create Standard cases setting must first be enabled by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under 365 > Outlook configuration > Case creation).
  • To open the saved email as a document in WorkZone Client, click Go to...>Document in WZ Client on the WorkZone pane.
  • To open the new case for your saved email (for example, to fill in more fields), click Go to...>Case in WZ Client on the WorkZone pane.
  • If you select a Case group, fields that were defined for this case group by an administrator in WorkZone Configurator (under Taxonomy > Classification Scheme) will be filled in automatically. You can edit any of the automatically filled values manually, if needed. If you edit any fields manually, these fields will not be overwritten with the auto-filled values.
  • The Case handler and Organizational unit values will be automatically inherited from the selected case. You can edit these fields manually, if needed.

Save multiple emails

  • This functionality is only supported on WorkZone Cloud Edition and with the desktop version of Outlook. It is not supported on-premises or with the web version of Outlook.

You can save multiple (up to 99) emails to WorkZone at once.

  1. In Outlook, open the WorkZone pane and make sure that it is pinned.

  2. Select multiple emails.

  3. From the Case droplist in the WorkZone pane, select the needed case (or click Create new case).
  4. Click Save. The following fields will be filled in automatically:
    • Title
    • Document type (as defined in WorkZone Configurator under 365 > Outlook configuration > Default document type when saving an email on a case)
    • Letter date
    • Created
Tip: To open the new case for your saved emails (for example, to fill in or edit some fields), click Go to... > Case in WZ Client on the WorkZone pane.

Categorize emails saved to WorkZone

Prerequisite: This functionality is only supported with Microsoft Exchange Server Online. It is not supported with Exchange Server 2019.

You can set a dedicated Outlook category for your emails saved to WorkZone, to quickly distinguish between these emails in your mailbox.

This is done in WorkZone Configurator and requires the CONFIGADM access right. See WorkZone Configurator Guide for more information.

  1. On the start page of WorkZone Configurator, click 365.
  2. Select the Outlook configuration tab.
  3. Under Mail category, provide Name and Color for the category with your emails saved to WorkZone.
    • Enable the Mark saved emails option to mark your emails saved to WorkZone with a special category defined in step 3.
  4. Apply your changes.

Manage email parties

Email parties are the contacts that relate to the email. The contact's role (for example, Sender or Recipient) defines how the contact relates to the email.

When you open the WorkZone pane, the contacts of an opened email will be automatically added as parties on the Parties tab.

  • The email sender will be saved as a party with the Sender role.
  • The email recipients on the To and Cc lines of the email will be saved as parties with the Recipient role.
  • The recipients on the Bcc line of an email will not be added as email parties.
  • You will be notified if an email contact is not found in WorkZone database.
  • If there is more than one contact registered with the same email address in the WorkZone database, you will be prompted to select which contact you want to save as a party on that email.

You can add or remove email parties or change their roles at any time using the Parties tab of the WorkZone pane.

  1. Use the Add parties search field to add new parties to the email. The parties available in the search are specified for this email in WorkZone Client.
    • You can search by name or email address.
    • You can use a wild card operator * to replace one or more characters in a word. For example, type "Eliz*" to find "Elizabeth".
    • Select a case in the Case field, and then click above the Add parties field to only see parties from that case.
  2. If necessary, change the party roles. The default role is Party.
  3. If necessary, click the "X" next to the party to remove it.
    Tip: To remove all parties at once, click the "X" next to the Party row, and then confirm your action.
  4. Click Save.