The Edit ServerScan Profile window

Field Description
Profile Name

Defines the name of the profile. The name is used for identification of the profile. This name is the one you can see when you select a profile in the SJ ServerScan Admin window or the SJ ServerScan Starter window. See Control scanning with SJ ServerScan Starter.

Profile Code

Defines a code identifying the profile. The code must be short (for example, three letters), and it must be written in capital letters. The code is used for:

  • Naming the files that are scanned by using the profile.
  • Naming the folders that are generated in connection with the profile.
  • Naming the CFG and LOG files that are generated in connection with the profile.
  • Identification of the profile on cover pages.
  • Identification of coverage code in connection with the Profile Distributor. See How do I scan to the Profile Distributor?
Profile Type

Each profile has a purpose. This purpose is defined by a type. The type can have one of the following values:

  • 1 - Automatic. When you select this type of profile, you must use cover pages when you scan. The combination of the profile, the cover pages and the default values mean that the document is registered completely automatically (that is, without manual interference from the user).
  • 2 - Profile Distributor. This is the type of profile to which you must scan if you want to distribute the scanned documents to the other profiles.
  • 3 - Manual Scan Without Separator Sheet. This is the type of profile to which you scan without using cover pages. The documents, which are scanned to this type of profile, must be registered manually later on from a ServerScan Registration window. For more information, see Design the window for manual registration.
  • 4 - Manual Scan With Separator Sheet. This is the type of profile to which you scan by using cover pages, but the cover pages and the default values are not enough to complete the registration of the documents. The document registration must be completed manually later on from a ServerScan Registration window. For more information, see Design the window for manual registration.
  • 5 - Automatic Form Scan. This type of profile is identical to the type of profile with the value 1 - Automatic except for one thing: the codes for the cover page must be specified on the document directly instead of being specified on a cover page. Thus specific cover pages are not used for separating the documents.
Default Values Defines the values, which are by default applied to the documents scanned to this profile. The default values cannot be specified in plain text, but must be selected by using the browse (...) button next to the field.
Limit Use for Defines the names of the scanning clients, which have to be able to see the profile (and thus be able to use it). If you specify names of more scanning clients, the names must be separated by semicolons.
Mail On Error If another person than the person specified in the Default Receiver On Error field must be notified in connection with errors from this profile, the e-mail address of the person must be specified in this field. For more information, see the With Own Failed Folder field.
With Own Done Folder When this check box is selected, the finished documents for this profile will be placed in the profile’s own DONE folder instead of the standard DONE folder of the installation. The name of the profile specific folder is DONE_XXX, where XXX is identical with the code, which you specify in the Profile Code field.
With Own Failed Folder When this check box is selected, the finished defective documents for this profile will be placed in the profile’s own FAILED folder instead of the standard FAILED folder of the installation. The name of the profile specific folder is FAILED_XXX, where XXX is identical with the code, which you specify in the Profile Code field.
Enable Registration From Failed Folder When this check box is selected, the user gets the possibility of making a manual registration of the files, which have ended up in the profile’s own FAILED folder.