Configure the behavior for selection of default addresses

Default selection behavior

When the default address of a contact is closed, WorkZone will automatically set the next address on the contact with the Main address type as the new default address for the contact.

Customize the selection behavior

You can also define the order for each of your organization's address types by assigning a rank to some or all of your organization address types in WorkZone Configurator. When you do this, WorkZone will automatically select the next address on the contact that has the lowest number in WorkZone Configurator.

  1. Go to WorkZone Configurator > Global > System droplists.

  2. Select AD, Address types in the dropdown.

  3. In the list of address types, go to an address types and click Edit.

  4. In the dialog, enter a number in the Rank field and click Save.

You can repeat the steps 3 and 4 for as many address types that you need.

Note: If you do not assign a rank to all the address types, addresses with the Main address type will be selected first, if there are any on the contact. If there are no main addresses on the contact, the newest address will be selected first. This is also the selection behavior when there are no ranked address types on a contact.

Update the default address of a case party on open cases

When a contact gets a new default address, you may want to ensure that the new default address is updated on cases where the contact is a case party. You activate automatic update of default addresses of contacts that are case parties on open cases in WorkZone Configurator.

  1. Go to Global > Feature settings > Content Server > Other > Change case party address to the contact's default address

  2. Fill in the two settings depending on how you want the update of default addresses to work:

Change case party address on open cases to the contact's default address, if the previous address is inactive

If you select this setting, WorkZone will remove closed addresses from any contacts that are case parties on open cases and add the new default address instead. This is, for example, relevant in cases where case parties move or otherwise change addresses.

Change case party address on open cases to the contact's default address

If you select this setting, WorkZone will update the address of any contacts that are case parties on open cases and add the new default address whenever the contact's default address is changed.