Edit chat data

Each chat is defined by its chat data which consists of the chat title and description, case and/or document references and the list of chat participants. You can edit chat data on any chat you participate in.

You can only view chat references to cases or documents you have read access to, and you can only add/remove chat references to cases or documents you have read access to.

Chat data is edited from the chat window and you can open the chat window from the bottom of the browser page window or from the Chats detail tab on the case detail page or the document detail page.

Note: The chat retention state (retained or unretained) must be changed from the chat window and not from the Edit chat form.

See Also

Activate and/or remove chat retention

Adjust chat participants

Add a reference to a chat

Remove a reference from a chat

Refresh the chat

Export a list of chats to an Excel spreadsheet