Navigation pane and lists

Navigation pane

The navigation pane contains some of the most commonly used lists and your own saved searches. These lists are defined and configured on WorkZone Content Server. You can hide the navigation pane by clicking the arrow at the upper-right corner of the navigation pane.

By default, the navigation pane displays the following panes:

  • Dashboard
  • Cases
  • Documents
  • Contacts
  • Other

Manage panes

You can add, reorder, or remove panes from the navigation pane.

  1. On the Home tab, click Configure navigation in the top right area of the navigation pane.
  2. Select the needed action:
  • Add a new pane: At the top of the navigation pane, click Add new pane. In the Add pane dialog, provide a name, and click Save.
  • Rename a pane: Click on the pane that you want to rename. In the Rename pane dialog, provide a new name, and click Save.
  • Reorder panes: Drag and drop the pane that you want to move.
  • Remove a pane: Click on the pane that you want to remove. Click Remove pane, and then click Yes.

Note: You can only remove the panes that have been added by you.


Each pane in the navigation pane contains additional standard lists. For example, the Cases pane displays the following lists by default:

  • Open cases
  • Cases with reminders
  • Open cases on the unit
  • Cases on the unit with no case handler
  • Cases with no case handler and unit
  • Favorite cases

When you click one of these lists, the search for that list is performed automatically, and the result is displayed on your dashboard. You can perform additional actions on the search results using the buttons on the ribbon.


  • Double-click the title of a list to open that list in a new tab.
  • Add more lists or change the order of existing panes as needed. For example, you can add such lists, as your Followed cases, Reading list cases, and Changed documents to the navigation pane.

The list menu

Right-click a list item to open the list menu with all actions you can apply to the selected list item (or to several list items, if you have selected multiple list elements). Actions in the list menu are grouped by their functionality.


  • All actions in the list menu are also available as buttons on the main ribbon or the detail tab ribbon.
  • List menu actions that are not relevant for the current selection or require the affected columns to be displayed in the list are displayed as inaccessible.
  • The list menu will not be displayed for the lists that do not have at least one item.

Manage lists

You can add new lists, remove existing lists and rearrange the lists in your navigation pane.

Customize the Navigation pane

To customize your navigation pane, click the Configure navigation icon in the navigation pane on the Home tab. The Available lists pane is displayed where you can edit the lists.

  • The left-hand column displays lists (framed in green) that are currently available from your navigation pane.
  • The right-hand column displays lists (framed in red) that you can add for quick access.

Tip: Click Reset to discard your changes and return to the default configuration of the navigation pane.