Creating Organizational units for WorkZone Cloud Edition

If you are operating WorkZone Cloud Edition, the creation and maintenance of your organizational units and unit hierarchy must be performed in WorkZone ConfiguratorOrganizationOrganizational units because Microsoft Entra IDdoes not currently contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units required for WorkZone user administration and hierarchical structure.

Prerequisite: You must be assigned the AFDADM access code to create and edit organizational units in your WorkZone Cloud Edition installation.

On-premise WorkZone installations must utilize an on-premise Microsoft Active Directory, which does contain features for the creation and maintenance of organizational units.

Assigning WorkZone users to organizational units

For WorkZone Cloud Edition, WorkZone users cannot be assigned to organizational units directly in the Microsoft Entra Connector. Instead, WorkZone users created in the Microsoft Entra ID can be assigned to organizational units in WorkZone ConfiguratorOrganizationUsers.

Prerequisite: You must be assigned the USERADM access code to view and assign units to users in your WorkZone Cloud Edition installation.

See also:

Organization units (for WorkZone Cloud Edition)

Users (for WorkZone Cloud Edition)