Outlook configuration

Prerequisite: To configure the Outlook settings, you must be assigned the CONFIGADM access code.

In WorkZone Configurator, you can define the default settings for Microsoft Outlook. This is the alternative way to making manual changes in settings.xml (see Configuring server settings).

  1. On the start page, click Office.
  2. Select the Outlook configuration tab.
  3. Apply your changes.

When you make a change on the WorkZone Configurator UI, you update the settings in the database (table wzo_configuration). Users just need to restart Outlook and an updated configuration will then be available.



Default document type when saving an email on a case

Define the default document types when a user saves an incoming or outgoing email as a document on a case.



Default case handler when saving an email on a case

Define the default behavior of how to assign a case handler to the new document when a user saves an email on a case:

  • Inherits case handler from the case – Select this to assign a case handler from the case.
  • Registers the user who saves the email as case handler – Select this to assign the current user as the case handler of the document.


Default party role when saving an email on a case

If a user saves an email on any case, then sender, recipients, and cc recipients are suggested for the new document as document parties. Each party may have a specific role. In the Sender, Recipient, and Cc recipient fields, you can define the default document party roles for sender, recipient, and cc recipient individually.

If a user saves an email on a new case, then sender, recipients, and cc recipients are suggested for the case as case parties. In the Case party field, you can define the common default case party role for sender, recipients, and cc recipients.

Note: If the user saves an email on an existing case, then sender, recipients, and cc recipients will not be suggested as case parties.





Allow suggesting organizational contacts

If a user saves an email and the system finds the organizational contacts that refer to the sender, you can define whether to show these organizational contacts among the suggested parties.

  • As document parties when saving an email – Enable this toggle button to suggest organizational contacts as document parties.
  • As case parties when creating a case – Enable this toggle button to suggest organizational contacts as case parties.

Users can then decide whether to add or skip these suggested contacts.



Select contact types to suggest contacts with these types as organizational

WorkZone considers a contact to be organizational if two conditions are met:

  1. The email domain must be the same for the suggested organizational contacts and for a sender, recipient, or cc recipient. In other words, WorkZone finds contacts that belong to the same organization by checking their email domains.
  2. The contact type of the found contacts must be specified in this field.


Contacts whose email addresses contain domains from this list are not suggested as organizational

To avoid situations where contacts are suggested to be organizational just because their email addresses belong to a world-wide email service, such as google.com, hotmail.com, and others, add these email domains to this list. If the email address of a contact includes a domain from the list, the contact will not be suggested as organizational.


When saving an email that includes a new email address

To add senders, recipients, and cc recipients as parties, they must exist in the system as contacts.

  • Allow automatic creation of a new contact for the related email address – If you enable this toggle button, the system will create the contacts automatically for each unknown selected email address. If the toggle button is disabled, users must create the contacts manually.


Allow mass registration of emails

Enable the Allow registering common metadata when saving multiple emails toggle button to display the dialog for editing common meta data when saving more than one email at the same time.

Contacts that are suggested as document parties when a user saves an email:

  • Suggest the user who saves the email if he/she is among the recipients – Enable the toggle button to include a recipient who saves an email to the suggested document parties.
  • Suggest senders, recipients, and cc recipients if they do not exist as contacts yet – Enable the toggle button to preselect check boxes of suggested parties if their email addresses do not exist in the system.



Do not suggest senders, recipients, and cc recipients if their email addresses include the following domains

If you do not want the contacts from a specific company to be saved as parties, add the email domains of the company to this list. When a user creates a new case or saves an email on a case in Outlook, contacts that belong to the specified email domain are not preselected for saving. The user can select them manually, if needed.

Note: Configure this functionality only if you have enabled the previous toggle button.
