Get an overview of mass dispatch processes

You can use the standard lists in WorkZone Client or in the Processes overview to get an overview of your mass dispatch processes. You can, for example, view completed or canceled mass dispatch processes on the Completed and canceled process list and failed processes on the Errors and warnings list.

Note that a mass dispatch process can be completed even if some recipients have not received the dispatch due to errors that occurred during the executing of the process. It could be that some recipients are not registered to digital mail or the NgDP service was temporarily inoperative when some dispatches were processed. In this case, a warning icon is shown next to the mass dispatch process in the list. If you see the warning icon, you should open the history document (CSV file) on the dispatch case to check the cause of error for the dispatches that do not have the status COMPLETE and then handle these dispatches separately. Mass dispatch processes with warnings are also shown on the Errors and warnings list.

See also:

About the Processes overview.

Manage lists in WorkZone Client