Case Activities package
The Case Activities package supports the case handling process by providing a predefined list of activities that must be carried out in relation to a specific case.
Activity lists are created based on common case workflows in an organization. Users with administrative rights create the activity lists and make them available for use throughout the organization.
An activity list may consist of activities that are dependent of each other and therefore must be carried out in a specific order, for example, activities connected to a hiring process such as registration of applications, booking interviews, follow-up meetings, and so on. An activity list may also consist of activities that are unordered and independent of each other, for example, a check list with items that need to be followed up on in no particular order.

You work with case activities in WorkZone Client. For information on how to work with case activities inWorkZone Client, see Case activities in the WorkZone Client User Guide.
For information about how to create and configure case activity lists, see Case activities in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide and Case Activities in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.