SmartPost FAQs
This section contains a list of frequently asked questions about the SmartPost process. Click any question below to see the answer.
Digital mail

You see this message if you have selected a dispatch sequence that only includes digital mail and you have selected a recipient who is:
- Registered as an e-Boks user but not to the material ID that you have selected.
- Not registered as an e-Boks user.
- Exempted from digital mail.
In this case you can try to select another material ID. If you still get the error, you can remove the recipient and start the process again to send the message to any other recipients that you have selected, and then send a separate message to the recipient who is not registered as an e-Boks user using another dispatcher.
If possible, you can also select a dispatch sequence that includes more dispatch options such as remote print and local print. The SmartPost process will then try to send the message using the next dispatcher in the dispatch sequence, for example through remote print.
Remote print

It depends on Strålfors, but it happens within about a minute.

There may be several reasons:
- Some address information is probably missing. SmartPost can only send letters to remote print, if as minimum Name 1, Address 1 and Postcode are filled in for the contact.
- The postcode is 1000, you cannot sent a letter using remote print. Letters with this postcode go to local print local print directly, if the recipient is not a registered as a digital mail user and the dispatch sequence includes local print.
- The address is a foreign address, the SmartPost process sends the country code and only the post code if it is 4 digits long as Strålfors cannot receive it. If the foreign post code has a different format, the SmartPost process sends 0000 as the postcode. The post code is not show in the letter. The postcode must be filled in using one of the Adress fields.
Local print

It depends on a number of circumstances. Usually it happens within a few minutes from the time that SmartPost has identified local print as the channel to use. It depends on whether local print is selected directly or the message is tried sent through other dispatchers first.
If for some reason, there is an error in the communication with a dispatcher, SmartPost will try to send the message several times. The number of retries depends on your organization's SmartPost configuration.
The time that it takes for Exchange to deliver the smartmail varies from one organization to the other.