Standard lists
This topic contains definitions of all standard Case lists, Document lists, and Contact lists supplied by WorkZone as of release 2024.2. You can, for example, use the definitions as a starting point for customizing standard lists.
The table below shows QueryBuilder queries and the corresponding OData URLs. Note that only the last part of the URL is shown. You will have to add server name and OData endpoint for it to work in your WorkZone installation, for example the URL for “Followed Contacts” list is shown as
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow
If you want to execute this query, you need to add the server name and OData endpoint as shown in this example:$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow
Case lists
Name |
Definition |
Open cases Open cases with me as case handler |
/Files?$filter=Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and Closed eq null and FileClass_Value ne 'SJ-DOK' and FileClass_Value ne 'SJ-AGENDA' |
Cases with reminders Cases with reminders for me within the next week |
/Files?$filter=Reminders/any(a: a/ReminderDate lt datetime'2021-07-09T00:00:00' and a/NameCode eq '@Me' and a/Marking_Value ne 'P') &dateRelativeness=@Day+8 |
Cases with no case handler and unit Cases without case handler and unit |
/Files?$filter=Officer_Value eq null and ResponsibleOu_Value eq null and Rej eq null |
Unit's open cases Unit's open cases |
/Files?$filter=ResponsibleOu_Value eq '%40Unit' and Closed eq null |
Unit's cases with no case handler Unit's cases with no case handle |
/Files?$filter=ResponsibleOu_Value eq '%40Unit' and Officer_Value eq null and Closed eq null and Rej eq null |
Unclassified cases My cases requiring final classification |
/Files?$filter=Officer_Value eq null and Closed eq null and FileClass_Value eq 'SJ-TEMP' |
Changed cases Changed cases that I follow |
/Files?$filter=MruChanged/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow |
Recent cases My recent cases |
/Files?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/EntityUpdated ne null |
Favorite cases My favorite cases |
/Files?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Favorite |
Followed cases Cases that I follow |
/Files?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Follow |
Flagged cases Cases that I have flagged |
/Files?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Marked |
Reading list cases Cases on my reading list |
/Files?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/ReadingList |
Meetings organized by me Meetings that I am responsible for |
/Files?$filter=Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and Meeting/End ge datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00%2b02:00'&dateRelativeness=@Day |
Meetings Meetings that I attend |
/File?$filter=Meeting/End ge datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00%2b02:00' and Meeting/State_Value ne 'CANCELED' and Parties/any(a: a/NameKey_Value eq '%40Me')&dateRelativeness=@Day |
Document lists
Name |
Definition |
Documents My documents, mails etc. not archived or closed |
/Records?$filter= Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and Pax ne 'A' and (State_Value eq 'UP' or State_Value eq 'U%C3%85' or State_Value eq 'UL') |
Drafts My documents that are stilldrafts |
/Records?$filter= Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and (State_Value eq 'UP' or State_Value eq 'U%C3%85') |
Documents with reminders Documents with reminders for me within the next week |
/Records?$filter=Reminders/any(a: a/ReminderDate lt datetime'2021-07-09T00:00:00' and a/NameCode eq '@Me' and a/Marking_Value ne 'P') &dateRelativeness=@Day+8
Today My documents, mails etc. stored today |
/Records?$filter=Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and RecordType_Value ne 'EMBED' and Created lt datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00'& dateRelativeness=@Day |
Documents with no case handler and unit Documents with no case handler and unit |
/Records?$filter=Officer_Value eq null and ResponsibleOu_Value eq null and Rej eq null and Pax ne 'P' |
Scanned today Todays scanned mail for the organisation |
/Records?$filter=Source_Value eq 'SKAN' and Created ge datetime'2021-07-01T00:00:00' and Created lt datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00'&dateRelativeness=@Day |
Unit's documents with no case handler Unit's documents with no case handler |
/Records?$filter=ResponsibleOu_Value eq '%40Unit' and Officer_Value eq null and Rej eq null |
Recycle Bin Recycled documents |
/Records?$filter=ThrashedBy_Value eq '%40Me' |
Changed documents Changed documents that I follow |
/Records?$filter=MruChanged/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow |
Favorite documents My favorite documents |
/Records?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Favorite |
Recent documents My recent documents |
/Records?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/EntityUpdated ne null |
Followed documents Documents that I follow |
/Records?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Follow |
Flagged documents Documents that I have flagged |
/Records?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/Marked |
Reading list documents Documents on my reading list |
/Records?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/ReadingList |
Unanswered documents My unanswered documents |
/Records?$filter=Officer_Value eq '%40Me' and ReplyTimeLimitDate ne null and Replied eq null |
Public mail list for today Public mail list for today |
/Records?$filter=PostList_Value eq 'OP' and RecordType_Value eq 'I' and Created lt datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00'&dateRelativeness=@Day |
Internal mail list for today Internal mail list for today |
/Records?$filter=PostList_Value eq 'LP' and RecordType_Value eq 'I' and Created lt datetime'2021-07-02T00:00:00'&dateRelativeness=@Day |
All unconverted – total All documents that cannot be converted to another format, regardless of who has saved the document (all states) |
/Records?$filter=(RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'FAILED' or RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'SKIPPED' or RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'REVIEW') |
Unconverted Documents I have saved that cannot be converted to another format due to errors in the documents (REVIEW, Action required) |
/Records?$filter=RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'REVIEW' and DocUser_Value eq '%40Me' |
All unconverted All documents I have saved that cannot be converted to another format (all states) |
/Records?$filter=(RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'FAILED' or RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'SKIPPED' or RenderInfo/State_Value eq 'REVIEW') and DocUser_Value eq '%40Me' |
Contact lists
List name |
Definition |
Changed contacts Changed contacts that I follow |
/Contacts?$filter=MruChanged/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow |
Followed contacts Contacts that I follow |
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Follow |
Flagged contacts Contacts that I have flagged |
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Marked |
Reading list contacts Contacts on my reading list |
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/ReadingList |
Recent contatcs My recent contacts |
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and Mru/EntityUpdated ne null |
Favorite contacts My favorite contacts |
/Contacts?$filter=Mru/User_Value eq '%40Me' and MruChanged/Favorite |