Monitoring hard copy history

You can use the HcmCopyLogs entity in WorkZone QueryBuilder to create a history log for all activity on hard copies and duplicates that have been created in your organization. This is a useful feature for organizations that, for example, follow strict security protocols about traceability and transparency for physical, classified documents.

After you create and save the query in WorkZone QueryBuilder, you can add it as a search list to your dashboard and navigation pane in WorkZone Client. See Creating lists from queries in the WorkZone Client User Guide.

See Manage hard copies of a document.

Create a hard copy history log in QueryBuilder

  1. Open WorkZone QueryBuilder.

  2. Select Copy (HcmCopyLogs) in the Entity field.

  3. To narrow the search results to, for example, show the history for one specific WorkZone document, you can choose to filter the query by document number (RecordKey_Value).

  4. In the Select field, select, for example id (ID), Copy number (CopyNo), Archive date (ArchiveDate), and Certificate of Destruction (DestructCert).

  5. Save the query.