Registers and tables

The WorkZone database is based on a set of registers. Essentially two types of registers:

  • Primary registers
  • Secondary registers.

A register in WorkZone is a set of tables that describe an entity such as a case (file); the data in a set of tables correspond with the data presented in the user interface in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client. File, for instance, is a Primary register - in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Clientknown as Case. Opening the main register entity, for example the case, gives the user access to the tables that comprises the case.

Primary registers

The primary registers are the ones the end users encounter in their work on a daily basis, that is the File register, the Record register, and the Contact register (corresponding to cases, documents, and contacts in WorkZone Client and Captia Web Client).

End users

The end users are given permissions to primary registers and their tables depending on the rules and regulations their organization has to comply with. For the end users of many organizations, this means that they are not allowed the permission to delete.

System administrators

The system administrators are often given the highest security code to access all levels of the system and its registers in order to be able to maintain the systems configuration.

Secondary registers

Secondary registers supply basic information for the primary registers. The secondary registers are characterized by data that is rarely changed. If they need to be adjusted this is a job for the WorkZone Configuration Management system administrators. As an example this could be maintenance of Custom domain, Custom label, Classification Scheme, or simply adding a new country to Countries and Post codes, and so on.

End users

The end users must have Search permissions to all registers to be able to find and view information from the secondary registers.

System administrators

The system administrators are usually given the highest security code to access all levels of the system and its registers in order to be able to maintain the systems configuration.