Record Comment

Comments are related to their Records via record_key fields in Record and Record_comment tables.

Mapping of the FESD attributes to the WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services database fields and notes on WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services implementation are presented in the table below.

FESD Parameter WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Table WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Field WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Implementation Notes
informationTypeCode Record_comment comment_type Parameter type is char(32) instead of char(2) specified by FESD standard.
cancellationDate Record_comment delete_date  
createdOnBehalfOfReference Record_comment on_behalf_of Parameter type is GUID instead of int(10) specified by FESD standard. Algorithms of storing and fetching this parame¬ter to / from WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services database are similar to algorithms for caseFileResponsibleOfficerReference parameter of CaseFile.
commentText Record_comment text  
commentDocumentReference Record_comment attach_record_key Parameter type is GUID instead of int(10) specified by FESD standard.