Record Document Association

Records and Documents are associated via Record’s fesd_id_key and Document’s primary_record_key fields in Record table.

Document association is recorded into the WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services database automatically by the following algorithm:

  1. Find Document in Record table by fesd_id_key = documentIdentifier.
  2. Check that value in the primary_record_key field of the found row is equal to record_key.
  3. Update primary_record_key with record_key of the Record.


Data mapping and WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services implementation

Mapping of the FESD attributes to the WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services database fields and notes on WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services implementation are presented in the table below.

FESD Parameter WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Table WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Field WorkZone Content Server FESD Web Services Implementation Notes
documentIdentifier Record fesd_id_key Parameter type is GUID instead of int(10) specified by FESD standard. This field is used for locating document in Record table by fesd_id_key.
documentAssosiationCode N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
documentAssosiationDate N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.
documentAssosiationCreatorReference N/A N/A Not implemented by OpenWSI. Ignored at input.