Annotating PDF documents


  • A licensed version of Advanced PDF (either the Annotation and Redaction license or the Advanced Editing license) must be available to your organization.
  • The Annotation Advanced PDF feature must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator.
  • The Advanced PDF pane must be added to the preview pane.

You can use the Advanced PDF pane in the preview pane to annotate a PDF document, adding your comments, highlighting or emphasizing sections of text, adding shapes and lines, and generally inserting feedback and suggestions to the document.

Advanced PDF annotation enables you to perform the following actions on the document:

  • Strikeout selected text.
  • Underline selected text.
  • Highlight selected text.
  • Add, edit and manage comments to the document.
  • Add blocks of free text to the document.
  • Draw rectangles in the document text.
  • Draw freehand diagrams to the document.
  • Add shapes to the text for example rectangles, circles, clouds , lines, polylines and arrows
  • Add URLs or direct links to pages in the document.
  • Add signatures, stamps, images, file attachments and callouts to the document.
  • Select colors for all annotation options.
  • Erase annotations, shapes and text formatting.

Document review and multiple annotations

You can send the document to other users who can continue annotating the document and can review, edit or remove your annotations. A PDF document can contain multiple annotations and multiple users can annotate the same document, but not at the same time. When a PDF document is edited, it will be locked in WorkZone Explorer to prevent users simultaneously editing the same document. The document lock will be reset after 15 minutes of document inactivity.

An overview of all current annotations can be displayed in the Comments pane.

To annotate a PDF document

  1. Open the preview pane for the PDF document you want to annotate. The preview pane is typically opened from the Documents detail tab on the Case detail page or from document lists in WorkZone.
  2. In the preview pane, select the Advanced PDF pane. If the Advanced PDF pane is not available, the preview pane must be configured to display the Advanced PDF pane.

Remove annotations in the document

You can remove annotations from a document in two ways:

Manage comments

You can get an overview of existing comments and annotations in the document in the Comments pane.

  • Click Comments in the Advanced PDF pane toolbar to open the Comments pane.

Here you can search for text in the existing comments, apply a filter to the list and sort the entire list of comments. You can add a reply to another user's comments, edit or delete comments and change the status of a comment.

Sorting comments

Comments in the list can be sorted by:

  • The comment's position in the document.
  • The time of the last change of the comment.
  • The comment status (Approved, Rejected, Canceled, Completed, None, Marked, Unmarked).
  • The comment author.
  • The comment type.

See Also

PDF document editing

Redacting PDF documents

Editing PDF documents

Customize the preview pane