Working with PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) documents

WorkZone supports document accessibility by creating and validating PDF/UA documents.

Note: Creation and validation of PDF/UA documents is currently supported for PDF and Word documents only.

What are PDF/UA documents?

PDF/UA is not a separate file format, but an ISO standard that contains requirements for web-accessible PDF documents and applications. PDF/UA-compliant documents ensure accessibility for people with disabilities who use assistive technology to navigate and read electronic content.

Create a PDF/UA document in WorkZone Client

In WorkZone Client, you can validate your existing PDF documents for PDF/UA compliance or create a new PDF/UA compliant documents from existing Word documents.

  • For PDF documents:PDF/UA-compliant documents will receive the green "UA" badge on their document icons.
  • For Word documents: if the document passes the PDF/UA validation, a PDF/UA version of this document will be created. PDF/UA-compliant documents will have the green "UA" badge on their document icons.

See Validate a document for PDF/Universal Accessibility (UA) compliance.

Fix a failed PDF/UA document

To fix a document that failed PDF/UA validation, you will need to:

  1. Edit the original document and correct the accessibility issues.
  2. Upload the updated document to WorkZone.
  3. Validate the updated document for PDF/UA compliance again.

Edit the original document

Although you can create and validate PDF/UA documents in WorkZone Client, you will need to fix the PDF/UA errors in the original Word or PDF document.

We recommend that you do that from a web accessibility tool provided by your organization. For example, PDF/UA Foundation organization offers a free PDF accessibility checker, PAC. Most standard Microsoft 365 products also have built-in accessibility checkers that provide suggested steps and recommendations for improving the content accessibility. Or you can use any other similar tool.

See the following articles by Microsoft:

Run the accessibility checker until you have fixed all accessibility errors.

Upload the fixed document to WorkZone

After fixing all discovered accessibility errors, save or upload the updated document on the selected case in WorkZone.

WorkZone PDF/UA error description

If you have fixed all accessibility errors shown by the accessibility checker in your original document, but PDF/UA validation in WorkZone Client still fails, check the WorkZone PDF/UA error description (available from the Documents > All unconverted saved search list on the dashboard).

Search for PDF documents with the Status: FAILED PDF/UA, and read the error description.


Below you can find recommendations on how to fix possible errors that might not appear in the accessibility checkers, but will be displayed in the WorkZone PDF/UA error report.

PDF/UA validation of PDF reports

PDF reports include:

If PDF/UA validation fails for some of the merged documents or the summary part of the report, the report will be saved as a standard PDF file (without the green "UA" badge on the document icon).