Your user profile

Your user profile contains a user profile page in WorkZone Client with a large amount of information and settings you can update and edit.

Note that access rights and user privileges are set up and defined in the Microsoft Active Directory by a system administrator for WorkZone users. Most if not all WorkZone users will not have sufficient rights to change these settings but you can edit your own information on your user profile page.

The user profile page

Your user profile page contains information and settings about you similar to the information registered on the contact detail page for other WorkZone contacts. In fact, you as a WorkZone user are registered in WorkZone as a contact of the type Employee.

You can update your own contact information and define user profile settings on your user profile page as well as view additional information such as which access codes are assigned to you, your delegates or if you are assigned to be a delegate for another user.

Open your user profile page

In the WorkZone Client, double-click your User ID and user name in the lower right corner of the web page to open your personal settings page. Your user name will displayed in the tab title and the page resembles a contact detail page.

See Also

Start an advanced submission

Manage tabs

Detail tabs on contacts

Work with actor sequences

Add, edit or remove delegates for a contact

About access rights

Templates for advanced submissions