Feature settings

Prerequisite: To configure feature settings, you must have the LICENSEADM access code.

All WorkZone features and modules are automatically installed during initial WorkZone installation and must be individually enabled or disabled when you configure your WorkZone installation for use. Some features and modules are enabled by default, while others must be enabled and configured manually.

On the Feature settings page, you can enable specific WorkZone features and their modules by selecting the feature and/or module. Disable an enabled feature or module by selecting the feature or module again, clearing the check box.

Color coding

Black features and modules can be edited (enabled or disabled) by license administrators, while light gray features and modules cannot be edited as these features and modules are necessary parts of WorkZone and disabling them will detrimentally impact WorkZone functionality.

Access restrictions

For some of the WorkZone features, you can add access restriction: that is, to make these features available only to people with a specific access code. See Access codes for more information about access codes. Features that can be restricted by access code are indicated by a lock icon.

  • An icon indicates that this feature has an access restriction.
  • An icon indicates that this feature can have an access restriction.
Note: You can only see and edit access restrictions for the enabled features.


When you upgrade your WorkZone installation, your feature settings will be saved and reinstated after the upgrade. After an upgrade, you should verify that all your feature settings are intact and the correct modules are still enabled, as well as configure any new features and modules included in the upgrade.

Save your settings

Click the Save button to save your feature settings to the database.