Process dispatchers
About process dispatchers
A dispatcher represents the way of sending a SmartPost message to the recipient. SmartPost is delivered with six default dispatchers:
NgDP - The message is to the recipient's digital mailbox.
- e-Boks – The message is sent to the recipient's digital mailbox in e-Boks.
Exchange - The message is sent to the recipient's email address.
- Straalfors – The message is sent to Strålfors that handles the printing, enveloping, and handover to Post-Nord.
- OneTooX – The message is sent to KMD Print that handles the printing, enveloping, and handover to Post-Nord.
- Local print – The WorkZone user receives an email that includes the SmartPost messages in PDF format. The user handles printing, enveloping, and sending of the messages manually.
You can modify the default dispatchers to match your organization's needs or you can create new dispatchers. See Configure dispatchers in WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.
Create a dispatcher
The creation of dispatchers differs from creation of other entities in WorkZone. First, you need just to create a new entity and you cannot edit it on this stage. When the dispatcher exists in the database, then you can set localized names, start and end dates, and other settings.
- On the main page, select Process.
- On the Process dispatchers tab, in the bottom right corner of the page, click
Select a dispatcher from the drop-down list of available dispatchers.
Tip: You can see a version of the dispatcher next to it. - Click Create.
Edit a dispatcher
- Point to the dispatcher that you want to update. A menu bar with action buttons appears.
- Click
- Apply the required changes in the Edit dispatcher dialog box:
- Localize name– Specify dispatcher names visible to users.
- Description – Provide the descriptive information about the dispatcher.
- Access code – Click
and select units and users who should be able to see and use the dispatcher.
- Start date – The date when the dispatcher becomes active. Before the start date, the dispatcher is invisible on the user interface.
- End date – The date when the dispatcher is deactivated. After the end date, the dispatcher becomes invisible on the user interface.
- Click Save.
Edit dispatcher parameters
Each dispatcher has its own list of parameters relevant specifically to it.
- Point to the dispatcher whose parameters you want to update. A menu bar appears.
- Click
Edit dispatcher parameters.
- Apply the required changes in the Edit dispatcher parameters dialog box:
- Label stands for parameter's name in the database, for example, SecurityProtocol.
- The question mark icon contains the parameter description. Point to it to view more information about the parameter.
- Red frames inform you that the parameter is mandatory and must be filled.
- If you are setting up dispatcher parameters for the Danish next generation Digital Post (NgDP), following fields must be filled out:
- SenderName - The name of your organization.
- NgDPGuid - The GUID of your sender/receiver system as defined in the Administrativ Adgang portal.
- SenderCVR - The CVR number of your organization.
- NgDPContactpointGuid - Your organization's contact point for replies to messages.
- NdGPAuthorizationHeader - The AuthorizationHeader is generated by the Administrativ Adgang portal when the sender/receiver system is defined.
- Click Save.