Process settings

Prerequisite: To configure process settings, you must be assigned the PROCESSADM access code.

On this page you can apply general settings to WorkZone Process.

  1. On the start page, click Process.
  2. Select the Process settings tab.
  3. Apply your changes.
Section / Field Description



Show / send notifications

Define which process notifications to send to the users:

  • Send smarttask as email
  • Send push notifications to user's mobile device
  • Send email notifications


Workflow host



Define who can access processes in the current environment.

Allow new instances in Active Directory

Turn on the parameter if you have selected AllowNewInstances in the Active Directory Replicator. See Configure the use of new name instances.

Watch delay

Controls the amount of time passed since the workflows should have been started. The default value is 30 minutes. See Configure workflow failover.

Watch interval

Controls intervals between checks. If a web server is unavailable, workflows are not reactivated. In order to avoid this, all workflow hosts periodically check for workflows that are overdue. The default value is 5 minutes. See Configure workflow failover.

Process history


Document state

The document state of the process history document that is generated by processes.

See Configure the process history document in the Administrator Guide for WorkZone Process.

Mass Dispatch settings


Mass Dispatch service URL

Provide the URL to use for the Mass Dispatch module.

SmartPost settings


Party identifier sources

Specifies where the SmartPostsending process looks up sender information such as CVR or CPR numbers. Change the XML element in this setting if the location of the CPR and CVR data has been customized. See Configure CPR and CVR.

Contact address key sources

Specifies where the SmartPost receiver process looks up sender addresses based on the CVR and CPR numbers provided by Digital Post. For example, for the purpose of linking the received documents to the addresses of the senders. Change the XML element in this setting if the location of the CPR and CVR data has been customized. See Configure CPR and CVR.