Web service definitions

Prerequisite: To load web service definitions, you must be assigned the PROCESSADM access code.

On this page, you can load web service definitions. Web service definitions are required if you want to use advanced activity effects in case activities. The web definitions are stored in a JSON file.

  1. On the start page, select Process > Web service definitions.

  2. Click Open to select a JSON file that contains the web service definitions.

Important: When you load web definitions, all activity effects in all running case activities are overwritten. This is an advantage if your organization has multiple case activities that use the same web service definition, and you need to update, for example a URL or an authentication. However, because you overwrite the web service definitions every time you upload the JSON file, we recommend that you test the web service definitions thoroughly before you upload them.

See Create advanced activity effects and Working with side-effects in the DCR API guide.