Case number format

Prerequisite: To configure case number format, you must be assigned the DATAADM access code.

You can define the global case number format, as well as the case number format for individual case groups.

About case numbers

Case number is a unique identifier for each separate case. Case numbers are generated based on a case number mask that you define in WorkZone Configurator. A case number mask consists of different predefined components such as case group, CPR-number, sequence number and others. Case number components are not case-sensitive, except for l and L. See Components and syntax of case number mask.

Case number requirements

  • The case number length cannot exceed 30 characters. All components are taken into account including separators.
  • If the global case number mask does not include g = class or u = subnumber, you must use a hash symbol (#) before any other component(s).
  • The component L or l = sequence number is mandatory.
  • Ensure that the case number mask only includes components that are mandatory for case creation. If you want to include optional components, put them in brackets as a conditional information. Without brackets, the case with the skipped optional component will not be created.

Case numbers of failed cases

In rare situations, a case number may be skipped. This may happen, for example, if the case creation failed due to the transaction being rolled back. Even though the case is not created, the case number is generated and added to the log with skipped case numbers. You can find the log in the file_numbering_error table or through the register file_numbering_error (OData: FileNumberingErrors). Consult the log if you suspect that a case has been lost.

Define global case number format

  1. On the start page, click Taxonomy.
  2. On the Taxonomy page, select the Case number format tab.
  3. Define a case number mask. See Components and syntax of case number mask.
  4. Click Save.

Define case number format for a case group

  1. On the start page, click Taxonomy.
  2. On the Taxonomy page, select the Classification scheme tab.
  3. Select the case group you want to edit, and point to it. A menu bar with action buttons will appear.
  4. Click Define default values.
  5. Under Case information section, enter the needed Case number format value.
  6. Click Save.
See Define default values for a case group.

Components and syntax of a Case number mask

You can build your own case number format by using the components listed in the table below

Important: Components are not case-sensitive (except for l and L. See table below).
Tip: Use predefined separators (hyphen, forward slash, and period) to make the case number readable and easily understandable.
Character Meaning Input requirements and examples
a or A

Year – The year when a case is created.

  • aa – Use this to display the last 2 digits of the year.
  • aaaa – Use this to display all 4 digits of the year.
  • If the current year is 2017, then:

    aa = 17

    aaaa = 2017

g or G

Class – The code of a case group.

  • g – Use this to display the full code. You may enter more gs – this will not affect the case numbers.
  • If the code of a Class is 177, then:

    g = 177

    ggg = 177

    ggggg = 177

u or U

Subnumber – The code of a case child group. To enable subnumbers, select the Fixed SubNumber check box in the classification scheme in WorkZone Configuration Management.

  • u – Use this to display the full code. You may enter more us – this will not affect the case numbers.
  • If the code of a Subnumber is 04, then:

    u = 04

    uu = 04

    uuuuu = 04

s or S

Responsible organizational unit – The code of a responsible organizational unit.

  • s – You can define the length of the responsible unit in case numbers. To display the full name of a responsible unit, ensure that you have included a sufficient number of s to the case number mask.
  • If the code of a Responsible organizational unit is IT01, then:

    s = I

    ssss = IT01

    sssss = IT01

t or T

Case type – The domain of a case type.

  • t – Use this to display the full domain. You may enter more ts – this will not affect the case numbers.
  • If the case type is PERSONNEL, then:


    ttttttttt = PERSONNEL

    ttttttttttttttt= PERSONNEL

l or L

Sequence number – The number of a case in a case sequence.

  • l – Use the lower-case characters to apply regular sequence numbers.
  • L – Use the upper-case characters to apply sequence numbers with a fixed length. Digits will be preceded by zeros when the sequence number is lower than the allocated Ls.
  • If the Sequence number of a case is 222, then:

    l = 222

    lll = 222

    lllll = 222

    L = 222

    LLL = 222

    LLLLL = 00222

c or C

CPR-number – The Danish personal identification number. It is a ten-digit number with the format DDMMYY-SSSS, where DDMMYY is the date of birth and SSSS is a sequence number.

  • cccccc-cccc – This is the only acceptable format for the component.
    CPR-number is a ten-digit number with the format DDMMYY-SSSS, where DDMMYY is the date of birth and SSSS is a sequence number.


z or Z

Fictitious CPR-number – This is normally used locally for persons without an officially generated CPR-number. Use the same format as for a regular CPR number: zzzzzz-zzzz.

  • zzzzzz-zzzz – This is the only acceptable format for the component.
    A fictitious CPR-number is normally used locally for persons without an officially generated CPR-number.




You can use hyphen, slash, and period as separators for a case number.



Characters in the [] brackets are not interpreted.




Conditional information – The part in brackets is only included in the case number if the related value exists in the database.


    The case number mask designed as aaaa-gggg(/uuuu)-LLLL may generate the following case numbers:

    2017-3720/555-0001 – if subnumbers are mandatory for the given class.

    2017-2650-0001 – if subnumbers are not defined.


You can adjust sequence numbering by using the hash symbol # before different components.



  • Always use the hash symbol, when you are using the Sequence number standalone or combined with Year or Case type. That is, use #T-IIII or T-#IIII format instead of T-IIII, and #YYYY-IIII or YYYY-#IIII format instead of YYYY-IIII. The position of the hash symbol defines whether this should it be a general sequence across the years or a sequence within each year (for example, 2023-1, 2022-2, 2023-3 or 2023-1, 2022-1, 2023-1).
  • See the Hash influence table.

    Hash influence

    Without a hash, new values of class and/or subnumbers initiate new separate numbering while other components do not. This fits to the most common scenario when each department (case group and child case group in the WorkZone terms) requires its own separate numbering of cases. However, WorkZone provides wide opportunities to adjust case numbering to any other scenario by using hash #. The hash changes the default behavior to the opposite one: new values of class and/or subnumbers do not initiate new separate numbering while other components do.

    Tip: Values in bold initiate new numbering.


    No hash


    With hash

    • Class (g)
    • Subnumber (u)


    Class and/or subnumber initiate new numbering.

    If the case number mask is designed as g.u/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 11.22/1
    • 11.22/2
    • 33.22/1
    • 33.44/1



    With the hash, class and/or subnumber do not initiate new numbering.

    Tip: Add hash before class and subnumber for global numbering.

    If the case number mask designed as g.#u/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 11.22/1
    • 11.22/2
    • 33.22/1
    • 33.44/2
    • Responsible organizational unit (s)
    • Case type (t)
    • CPR-number (c)
    • Fictitious CPR-number (z)

    The components do not initiate new numbering.

    If the case number mask is designed as cccccc-cccc/g/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 240185-5555/11/1
    • 240185-6666/11/2
    • 240185-5555/33/1

    With the hash, the components initiate new numbering.

    If the case number mask is designed as #cccccc-cccc/g/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 240185-5555/11/1
    • 240185-6666/11/1
    • 240185-5555/33/1
    • Year (a)

    Year does not impact numbering. You must set the hash to define the numbering.

    If the case number mask is designed as aaaa/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 2017/1
    • 2017/1
    • 2017/1
    • 2018/1



    With the hash on the sequence number, the sequence number continues regardless of the change in year.

    If the case number mask is designed as aaaa/#l for global numbering, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 2017/1
    • 2017/2
    • 2017/3
    • 2018/4

    With the hash on the year, the sequence number is automatically reset when the year changes.

    If the case number mask is designed as #aaaa/l, it then generates the following case numbers:

    • 2017/1
    • 2017/2
    • 2017/3
    • 2018/1