
If you want to use SmartPost in WorkZone Process you need to acquire certificates for Digital Post and remote print.

Acquire and use of the certificate (funktionscertifikat)

The administrator needs to acquire a certificate (funktionscertifikat). The SmartPost process will use the certificate as electronic identification in relation to the service providers. The administrator hands over the certificate to the administrator, who will then use the certificate to configure the systems.

The certificate allows a system A to identify itself towards another system B, where system A submits a service.

The certificate can be used in two different ways:

  • As dispatcher
  • This is system A. System A identifies itself towards another system B. System A will use the certificate to encrypt the communication with the use of a private key.

  • As recipient
  • This is system B. System B has received the certificate in a form where it only contains a public key that system B can use to decrypt the communication from system A. If the communication does not derive from system A but from a third unknown system C that pretends to be system A, it will be revealed during the decryption. Only the system with the certificate with the private key can make an encryption that can be decrypted with the public key that system A previously handed over to system B.

The certificate must be stored in the certificate store on the server that runs the SmartPost process.

See Acquire and install the Digital Post certificate for instructions on the certificate process.