Set date and time

You can enter date or time values in several ways:

  • Type the exact date and time;
  • Select the needed date from the calendar (for fields requiring both date and time values, this will automatically insert the current time);
  • Specify a time period in relation to the current date. For example, + 2 weeks or - 4 hours. For fields requiring both date and time values, this will automatically insert the current time).


  • You can only enter a simple value for each date field. For example, +7w. Do not use compound values, such as +1m3w.
  • The default time period is Day. If you enter a number without a time period value, WorkZone 365 will count it as a day. Thus, +6 equals +6d.
  • If you enter an invalid date format, the last valid date from this field will be automatically inserted instead. If you enter an invalid time format, the last inserted valid time will be automatically inserted instead.