WorkZone Meetings

Note: WorkZone Meeting functionality does not fully support recurring meetings, shared calendars and shared mailboxes yet. As a workaround for shared mailboxes, multiple users can add to their Outlook the same mailbox account and have access to all its items.
Prerequisite: You must be a meeting organizer or an attendee to create or update a WorkZone meeting. If you have been forwarded a meeting invitation, you can view the related WorkZone meeting case in WorkZone Client and add yourself to the Parties list to receive full editing access of an attendee).

You can save appointments and meetings from your Outlook calendar to WorkZone as WorkZone meetings. WorkZone meetings are WorkZone cases, containing information about the meeting itself, its attendees, agenda and any documents added to the agenda.

  • When you create a new meeting in your Outlook calendar, you can create a standard Outlook meeting or a WorkZone:

    • If you create a standard Outlook meeting, it will not be created in WorkZone. It will only exist in your Outlook calendar and will not be synchronized with WorkZone.
    • If you create a WorkZone meeting, it will be created both in Outlook and in WorkZone. Any updates to this meeting made from either application will be synchronized between WorkZone and Outlook.
  • You can add agenda items and attach WorkZone documents to your WorkZone meetings.
  • You can view and edit information for existing WorkZone meetings from the WorkZone pane in Outlook or from WorkZone Client. For example, you can add, edit, or delete agenda items, or documents saved on the meeting.

Create a new WorkZone meeting

You can create a WorkZone from a new or existing appointment or meeting in your Outlook calendar.

Prerequisite: You must be a meeting organizer or an attendee to create a WorkZone meeting.

Create a WorkZone meeting from a new Outlook meeting

Select your version below:

  1. Open the Outlook calendar.
  2. On the main ribbon, click New > Calendar event.
  3. Create a new Outlook meeting or appointment.
  4. On the main ribbon, click WorkZone to open the WorkZone pane.
  5. Add the Outlook meeting details. See Manage attendees.
  6. If needed, add agenda items. See Manage agenda items.
  7. In the WorkZone pane, click Create. A new WorkZone meeting case will be created in WorkZone with all information about this meeting. A link to this case in WorkZone Client will be added to the body of the Outlook meeting.
  8. On the main Outlook ribbon, click Save & Close (for an appointment) or Send (for a meeting).

Create a WorkZone meeting from an existing Outlook meeting

Select your version below:

  1. In Outlook calendar, open an existing meeting or appointment.
  2. On the main ribbon, click WorkZone to open the WorkZone pane.
  1. In the WorkZone pane, click Create. A new WorkZone meeting case will be created in WorkZone with all information about this meeting. A link to this case in WorkZone Client will be added to the body of the Outlook meeting message.
  2. Note: If there is more than one WorkZone meeting for the same Outlook meeting (for example, if someone made the WorkZone meeting inactive in WorkZone Client, and then another meeting participant created a new WorkZone meeting case for the same Outlook item), the WorkZone pane will have the Case droplist showing all WorkZone meeting cases for this Outlook item, and you can select the needed case.
  3. On the main Outlook ribbon, click Send Update to send the updated Outlook meeting (with a link to your newly created WorkZone meeting case) to all attendees.

Update an existing WorkZone meeting

As a meeting organizer or an attendee, you can update an existing WorkZone meeting from the WorkZone pane in Outlook. For example, you can add, edit, reorder or remove agenda items or documents saved on the meeting.

Tip: You can also add, edit, reorder or remove agenda items or documents saved on the meeting in WorkZone Client.

Select your version below:

  1. In Outlook calendar, open an existing meeting or appointment.
  2. On the main ribbon, click WorkZone to open the WorkZone pane.
  1. In the WorkZone pane, make the needed changes and click Save.
  2. Click Update.

Open a WorkZone meeting in WorkZone Client

You can open a detail page for a WorkZone meeting case in WorkZone Client and view all information on this meeting. From a detail page, you can also add, edit, or remove agenda items and the documents saved on the meeting. Read more about WorkZone meetings in the User guide for WorkZone Client.

  1. In Outlook calendar, open an existing WorkZone meeting.
  2. On the main ribbon, click WorkZone to open the WorkZone pane.
  3. Click Go to.... The detail page of this meeting case will open in WorkZone Client.
Tip: You can also click the View in WorkZone Client link in the body of the Outlook meeting, if the meeting organizer has shared it.

Cancel a WorkZone meeting

As a WorkZone meeting organizer, you can cancel your own meetings. After that the state of your meeting in WorkZone will be changed to Canceled.

  1. In Outlook calendar, open an existing WorkZone meeting.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane.
  3. From the Update droplist, select Cancel.
  4. Click Yes in the meeting cancellation dialog. The WorkZone meeting is now canceled.
  5. Optionally, cancel also the Outlook meeting to send your cancellation to all meeting attendees.

On the bottom of the WorkZone pane, you can now see the Create Meeting button. Click the button to create a new WorkZone meeting based on the existing Outlook meeting (if you haven't canceled it). A new WorkZone case is then created. The agenda of the new WorkZone meeting is empty. The Outlook meeting's attendees and organizer are saved as case parties.

Decline a WorkZone meeting

As a WorkZone meeting attendee, you can decline a meeting that you do not plan to participate in. It will not affect the meeting itself, but you will be removed from this meeting's attendees (that is, case parties) in WorkZone.

Note: A declined WorkZone meeting will still exist in your calendar as an Outlook meeting. To remove it from your calendar, decline the Outlook meeting too.
  1. Open the meeting in Outlook.
  2. Open the WorkZone pane.
  3. From the Update droplist, select Decline.