Create a DCR process using the WorkZone template

WorkZone provides a template that you can use to get started with a case activity process, which provides WorkZone-specific activity effects.

  1. Log in to the DCR Design Portal from
  2. At the top of the dashboard, click Create process.
  3. In the New Process dialog, click Templates.
  4. Select the WorkZone Case Activity Template, and then click Save. The template is loaded, and you can start adding activities and connections.
  5. Click to insert an activity.
  6. In the Options pane, add a label and a description, which will be displayed in the activity list in WorkZone Client.
  7. If you want the activity to be executed automatically, select the role named AUTO.
  8. Click Advanced and scroll to the bottom of the Options pane, and then select an activity effect in the Activity Effect field.
  9. See Activity effects for a description of the activity effects.

  1. Select a WorkZone activity, for example CopyDocument, and a list of parameters for the selected type is shown.
  1. Fill in the parameters. See Activity effects for an overview of the parameters.
  2. When you have completed the process, click File > Save As to save your DCR process.

To make your DCR process available in WorkZone, you need to export it first, see Export and deploy case activity processes.