About the Processes Overview

The Processes Overview gives you an overview of the process tasks in your organization. You can, for example, open the Processes Overview in a browser on shared screens to monitor the overall progress of processes in your organization. You can customize the Processes Overview to fit your needs so that it shows information about the processes and tasks that you have an interest in.

Open the Processes Overview

In an internet browser, go to the WorkZone landing page and click Process Overview, or enter the URL: http(s)://hostname/app/client/overview.

Note: As of WorkZone 2022.3, it is not possible to open the Processes Overview directly in Outlook, but you can click Process Views in the Outlook navigation pane, and then click Open in browser to open the Processes Overview.

View processes and tasks

When you open the Processes Overview, it displays the My active processes list, which shows the processes that you have started. You can select other lists, for example, All active processes or My unit's active processes depending on what you want to see. See View a list.

In the Processes Overview, you can view information about:

  • Who the process awaits an action from.
  • Case handler and responsible unit.
  • Who is the process owner.
  • When the process was started.
  • The process deadline.
  • Phases in phase processes.

You can select a process and click Preview to open it in the Preview pane where you can view the details about the process, such as:

  • Tasks and their order.
  • The progression and deadline.
  • The state of each task.
  • Who has pending tasks.

You can keep the Preview pane open and switch between processes in the list to view the details.

Important: You can only view processes if you have access permissions to the cases associated with the processes.

View process in formation

The Processes Overview shows default columns that are described below. You can add or remove columns to make the overview match your information needs.

Column name


Title The process name.
Process The process type.
Pending The actor who has pending tasks.
Case Handler The employee who is responsible for handling the case.
Responsible unit The case handler's unit.
Process owner The employee who started the process.
Created The start date of the process.
Process closed The completion date of the process.
Deadline The process deadline.
Phases The progress of the phases in a phase process.

In the Preview pane, includes the following columns:

Column name


Comment The actor's comment.
Type The task type.
State The state of the task.
Pending The actor who is pending the task.
Deadline The task deadline.
Process owner The employee who started the process.

View task information

If you open a task list, for example My open tasks, the default columns shown below are displayed. You can add or remove columns to make the overview match your information needs.

Column name


Case number The case number on which the process was started.
Title The process name.
Task type The task type.
Process type The process type.
Pending The actor who has pending tasks.
Deadline The task deadline
Process owner The employee who started the process.

You can customize the Processes Overview to show only the information relevant to you. See Customize the Processes Overview.

Icons in the Processes Overview



The process is in progress.
The process is completed.
The process is overdue.

An error has occurred. See tool tip for information on the type of error. Failed processes are displayed in the Processes with errors and warnings list.

Expand a process to see the errors that are associated with individual user tasks. Error types on user tasks:

  • No access - No more actors can access the process due to the access restrictions on the case.
  • Document(s) missing - One or more actors cannot access the documents that are associated with the process.
  • Email address is missing - An actor does not have an email address.

If a process fails due to a series of errors, you see the error types:

An error has occurred due to a deviation from the expected process behavior. This warning is shown if, for example, the case handler is not associated with the case, a phase process could not be moved forward or back, or the state of the case could not be changed.
The process has been canceled.
The process has been completed after the deadline.
The process has been completed after the reminder date.
The process has reached the reminder date.
The task has been canceled.
The task is obsolete.
The task has high priority.
The task has high priority, and it is closed.
The task has low priority.
The task has low priority, and it is closed.
The phase process is in progress.
Information about the state of a task in a SmartPost process.