Save an email on a case

As part of starting a process based on an incoming email in Outlook, you need to save the email and attached documents on a case. For more information, see Save Outlook items on cases in the WorkZone for Office User Guide.

Note: The Process button is disabled until you have saved the email you have selected.
  1. Select or open the email that you want to start a process from.
  2. On the Home tab, click Save item in the Case group.
  3. Select a case in one of the following ways:
    • Select one of your recent cases from the list.
    • Click Search Case to search for a case.
    • Click Create New Case to create a new case.

    For more information, use the help links in the dialog boxes.

    When you have selected a case, the Save Outlook Item dialog box is displayed. See Register information in the WorkZone for Office User Guide.

  4. Select documents and add information on sender and recipient. For more information, use the help links in the dialog box.
  5. Click Save. Your email is saved on the case.
  • On the Outlook ribbon, the Process button is now enabled, allowing you to start a process from Outlook - see Start a process from Outlook.
  • Next time you open the saved email, the case information is displayed at the bottom.