Process logging

All running workflows produce a vast log of what they are doing. By default, the log is maintained by an Oracle job that ensures that the log does not grow unnecessarily.

This job is started as part of the installation.

Stop logging

To stop the logging, type the following command:

execute sjp_workflow_adm.job_delete_log(‘STOP’);

Restart logging

To restart the logging, type the following command:

execute sjp_workflow_adm.job_delete_log;

Adjust the Oracle job that handles logging

You can adjust the job more specifically using the parameters below.

Note: To permanently adjust the job, you must reset this call after each new installation of the database.

The following command creates a Oracle job that executes the delete_log procedure:

procedure job_delete_log(event in varchar2 default 'START', hh24 in number default 2, days in number default 3);


  • START: Default. Creates and starts the job.
  • STOP: Stops and deletes the job.

<hh24>: The hour of the day when the job must run.

<days>: The number of days until the log is deleted by the procedure delete_log.

The Event log

Errors are logged in the Event log with the following Event log sources:

  • Scanjour.Process.Notification.AgentHost
  • Scanjour.Workflow4.Web.WorkflowService
  • Scanjour.Workflow4.Web.ProcessService
  • Scanjour.Workflow4.Web.PackageService
  • ScanJour Workflow Host