API documentation

Prerequisite: If your WorkZone PDF Engine instance uses Windows authentication, you must enter your WorkZone credentials to access WorkZone PDF API documentation.

WorkZone PDF API documentation contains API that help you adjust PDF settings, report settings, and communicate with WorkZone PDF.

Open the API documentation

  1. Enter http://<WorkZone URL>/Render/help in a browser, for example, http://db01/Render/help.
  2. You can see all available documentation for WorkZone PDF. Select what you need:

Localization and language

You can use the Accept-Language header of the POST action in the WorkZone PDF API to specify the culture-specific text formatting for PDF conversion and to specify the expected language of the report content and selection of the correct localized report template. In general, the Accept-Language header is used by all aspects of the WorkZone PDF product to specify language and culture. Currently you can specify en-GB (for English) or da-DK (for Danish).

The language code is used for the report depends on the language settings of the WorkZone Content Server as well as the Accept-Language value.

If the Accept-Language header has been specified

If the Accept-Language header has been specified, the Accept-Language header will override all other options in the report and the language code contained the Accept-Language header will be used. The language code specified on the WorkZone Content Server will not be used.

If the Accept-Language header is not specified

If the Accept-Language header is not specified and if the API route used implies an OData connection, the language code specified on the WorkZone Content Server will be used. If OData-related requests are utilized, the Accept-Language header should be omitted from the Report request.

If the Accept-Language header is not specified and if the API route does not imply an OData connection, the language code "en-GB" will be used as a default.