Configure a case monitoring service workflow

The Case monitoring service workflow can monitor when new cases are created and then automatically start a case activity or a customized workflow.

Create a case monitor service workflow

You can create a Case monitoring service workflow in WorkZone Configurator. See Service workflows in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.

Configure a Case monitoring service workflow

Forudsætninger: You must create one or more rule sets that define on which cases, a case activity or a workflow will start. See Creating rule sets.

  1. Open WorkZone Configurator.
  2. Go to Process > Service workflows.
  3. Point to the Case monitoring service workflow that you just created, and click Edit parameters to configure the service workflow.
  4. Enter values for the parameters.
  5. Click Save.
Name Description Sample value


The interval in seconds between checking for new cases.

A value of 60 – 300 seconds is suitable in most cases.

ProcessOwner The name of the contact that will be assigned as process owner of the case activity or workflow that will be started.  
RuleSet The name of the set of rules that determines on which cases a case activity will start. If the rules are met, the case activity or workflow starts. See Creating rule sets.  
  1. Click Edit and turn on Enabled to start the service workflow.