About the case number mask

In the Case Number Format section, you must enter a case number mask. The global case number mask defines the way that the case number is formatted at case creation.

The case number format entered here applies globally for all cases created, except for classes with individual case number masks, see Mask.

The components of the case number

The global case number mask can be constructed of a number of different components, which are described below.



Number of characters

The case number can contain up to 30 characters including punctuation marks and blank spaces.

Meta data

In the table below is listed the components of which the case number can consist. Components permitted are meta data and a sequence number. Furthermore, you can see which characters you must enter to include the different components in the case number mask:




Year - you can enter 2 or 4 characters:

  • 4 characters, a 4 digit year is used,

  • 2 characters, the last 2 digits of the year are used.


Class - from the classification scheme - contained in the Classification Scheme module. For example, enter gggg if the class consists of up to 4 digits.


Responsible organizational unit - contact codes belonging to contact type A.

For example, enter sssss if the contact codes of responsible organizational units consists of up to 5 digits.


Case type - domain items belonging to domain type case type in Custom domain module.

For example, enter ttt if the class type can consist of up to 3 digits.


Subnumber - subnumbers belonging to the Subnumbers module.

For example, enter uuuu if the subnumbers consists of up to 4 digits.

L or l

Sequence number - a capital L signifies that the format of the sequence number is fixed - always the same number of digits and that the digits will be preceded by zeros when the number is lower than the allocated Ls.

A lower case l signifies that the format for the sequence of the sequence number is variable.

See Sequence number format.


CPR-number - which is the Danish personal identification number.

It is a ten-digit number with the format DDMMYY-SSSS, where DDMMYY is the date of birth and SSSS is a sequence number. The first digit of the sequence number encodes the century of birth (so that centenarians are distinguished from infants), and the last digit of the sequence number is odd for males and even for females.

This case number format is normally used locally for the class in the classification scheme used for registering personnel files for individual employees.


Used for case number masks for fictitious CPR numbers.

This case number format is normally used locally for the class in the classification scheme used for registering dossiers for individual persons - persons without an officially generated CPR-number. The format is zzzzzz-zzzz.

This feature requires that the case details page is customized.

Sequence number format

You can define whether the sequence number is to be created with a fixed or a variable format.

Fixed format

Upper-case signifies a fixed format of the sequence number. The sequence number of the case number is designed to have a fixed number of digits.

If the sequence number, for instance, is defined as 4 capital letters such as LLLL. The sequence number of the first case created is 0001.

If, for example, the case number mask is defined as: aaaa-gggg-LLLL. Then the case number for a specific case could be 2009-1380-0004.

Variable format

Lower-case letters signify a variable format. The sequence number of a case number is designed to have only the necessary number of digits.

If the sequence number, for instance, is defined as 4 lower-case letters such as llll. The sequence number of the first case created is 1.

If for example the case number mask is defined as: aaaa-gggg-llll. The case number for the same case would be 2009-1380-4.

Number of characters

The number of characters in the global case number mask depends on how many digits (or characters) each part of the case number is made up of.

The upper limit for the whole case number is 30 characters. Note that punctuation marks and blank spaces are included.

Punctuation marks

The following punctuation marks can be used to separate the different parts of the case number:

-  - hyphen

/  - slash

.  - full stop

Conditional information

Brackets around part of the case number mask signifies that this particular part is only included, when the requirements described below are met:

  • A subnumber is required by the class selected for the case. Mandatory subnumbers can be defined for specific classes in the classification scheme. For instance, the case number mask designed as aaaa-gggg(/uuuu)-LLLL will, for instance, generates the following case numbers:
    • If subnumbers are mandatory for class 3720, the case number will be formatted like this: 2009-3720/AAA-0001.
    • If subnumbers are not defined for class 2650, the case number will be formatted like this: 2009-2650-0001.
  • The value specified in the mask is case metadata, and must be entered before the case number can be created. Case metadata is case type and responsible organisational unit.
    This case number mask (#tttttt-) for instance, will generate the following case numbers:
    • If case type ABC is entered on the case, the case number will be ABC-1380-0001.
    • If no case type is entered, the case number will be 1380-0001.

Mandatory requirements for the classification scheme

In the classification scheme, the check box in the cell Fixed SubNumber must be selected, and a value selected in the cell Sub-number type. The value selected defines what domain of sub numbers is attached to the class.

Information controlling the sequence number

To make a separate part of the case number influence how the sequence number is generated, you must use the hash (#) symbol in the case number mask. The hash (#) symbol can be applied in two different ways, with two different results:

  • Disable default numbering method
  • If you place a hash (#) symbol in front of default case number information, i.e. class and sub number, the default numbering will be disabled. This means that class and sub number have no influence on the sequence number, which will be generated as a global sequence number. This mask, for example #gggg-#uuuu-LLLLLL, generates the following case numbers: 3270-AAA-000001, 3270-BBBB-000002, 3270-AAA-000003, etc.

  • Enable special numbering method
  • You can place a hash (#) symbol in front of responsible organisational unit and case type. This will cause the generation of the sequence number to take this part of the case number into account. For instance, gggg-uuu-#tttt-LLL - the case mask includes case type with a hash (#) symbol. The creation of the sequence number is controlled by the class, the subnumber and the case type selected.

Default sequence number

By default, primarily the class and secondarily the sub number control how the sequence number is generated. If the case number mask only contains class information, e.g. gggg-LLLL, each class will have its own series of sequence numbers.

If the case number mask contains both class and sub number, for example gggg/uuuu-LLLL, each combination of class and subnumber will have its own series of sequence numbers.

Fixed information

You can include fixed information in the case number mask. Fixed information can be inserted into the case number mask in the following ways:

  • Characters in square brackets [] are inserted directly into the case number.
    If the case number mask, for instance, is designed as [AMA]-gggg-LLLL, the case number is created like this AMA-1312-0001.
  • Characters entered like this !<characters> are inserted directly into the case number.
    If the case number mask, for example, is designed as gggg-!<AMA>-LLLL, the case number will be created like this 1312-AMA-0001.