Custom type fields

To configure custom type fields, you must have the CONFIGADM access code.

Custom type fields are input fields in a custom type. They can store information, much like custom fields. Custom type fields are set up similarly to custom fields but while custom fields are commonly displayed in the case, document or contact details tab page, custom type values can only be displayed in the custom type itself. Unlike custom fields, which can only store one value per case, document or contact, custom type fields can store multiple values per case, document or contact.

Custom type fields can be added to the case, document or contact searches. To do so, first display all fields in the search, and then select the custom type and define search criteria for each relevant custom type field.

You cannot reuse custom fields in custom types. Instead, you must create custom type fields to populate custom types.

The labels of custom type fields can be localized into English, Danish and German if required, like other customizable elements in WorkZone (custom types, custom fields, custom droplists).

When you create custom type fields, you must specify what kind of information the field can store (like custom fields). Unlike custom fields, custom type fields can also contain references to contacts, documents and other cases. See the Address, Employee, Contact, Unit, Case and Document data types in the table below.

Important: After deleting, editing or creating a custom type or a custom type field, you must update the custom types in use. If you do not update the custom types, your changes will not be displayed correctly.
To update all custom types, each user must reload the WorkZone Client.

Custom type field names must be unique. You cannot use for a custom type field a name which is already used by another existing custom type field.

Data type Description


Any characters including numbers can be entered and are considered text and not numbers.

The content of this field cannot be used for subsequent calculations.


All numbers, excluding fractional elements. 

Negative values can be used.


All numbers, including fractional elements of a number.

Negative values can be used.


A set of integers that are interpreted as a date.

Values that cannot be interpreted into a date format cannot be entered.

When selecting the Date data type, a date selector will automatically be added to the field to enable a user to open a calendar-like form and select the date.


A set of integers that are interpreted as a date and time.

Values that cannot be interpreted into a date and time format cannot be entered.

When selecting the DateTime data type, a date and Time selector will automatically be added to the field to enable a user to open a calendar-like form , select the date and enter a time.


A list of predefined values a user can chose from. The Droplist type is displayed as String in the Type column on the custom type page but the Droplist column will contain the selected droplist for the field.

Custom droplists can be created and maintained in GlobalCustom Droplists.


A reference to a contact, displaying the Name 1, Name 2 and Address 1

All three fields can be filtered to locate the contact in question.


A reference to a contact, displaying the Name 1, Name 2 and Contact ID fields.

All three fields can be filtered to locate a contact.


A reference to an employee only, displaying the Name 1, Name 2 and Contact ID fields.

All three fields can be filtered to locate a employee.


A reference to a unit only, displaying the Name 1 field, which can be used to filter and locate a unit.


A reference to a case, displaying the Case number, Case title and Case handler fields.

All three fields can be filtered to locate a case.


A reference to a document, displaying the document number, document title and Created date fields.

All three fields can be filtered to locate a document.


Any characters including numbers can be entered and are considered text and not numbers.

The field will only accept unique values.

Validation of custom type field input

When creating a custom type field, you can define a validation rule to apply to the field input if the data type of the custom type field is String. The validation rule is a regular expression and can assist you ensure data is entered in a format that can be processed by the system.

If you apply the validation rule after data has been entered in the field, existing data already stored in the field will not be validated unless the data is re-entered or edited in the field, activating the validation in the process.

Activation period for custom type field

Like custom fields, you can define an activation period for each custom type field by defining the start and end dates of the activation period. An empty start date will activate the field. If the current date is later than the end date specified for the custom type field, the field will be inactive.

Active custom type fields

If a custom type field is active, users can enter and edit data in WorkZone Client.

Inactive custom type fields

If a custom type field is inactive, the field will not be displayed in the Tabs selector form in WorkZone Client and users will not see existing data or enter new data in the field.

The activation period can be used to first create a structure for your custom types without disturbing daily operations and then deploy your changes at a specified date (the start date).

If you render a custom type field inactive, all existing data is still retained.

You can activate or deactivate a custom type field by changing the start and end dates.

Editing custom type fields

After you have created a custom type field, you can edit the field, changing certain properties such as localization labels, validation rule and the activation period (Start date and End date). You cannot edit a custom type fields' name, type or default label.

You can change the droplist to another droplist, even of the field contains data. If you do this, all old data will be displayed with the ***Protected*** text in the field in WorkZone Client.

Deleting custom type fields

You can delete custom type fields you do not need, but like custom lists, you can not delete custom type fields if the field contains records in the database. If you need to remove access to these fields, you can render the fields inactive by setting an end date for the custom type field.

After deleting, editing or creating a custom type or custom type field, you must update the custom types in use. To update all custom types, each user must reload the WorkZone Client.

See also

Actions on custom type fields

Custom fields

Custom droplists

Validation rules