What is new?


WorkZone Client 2021.2


Change case group and child case groups for multiple cases

Users can change the case group and the child case group for multiple cases in a case list, for example after updating the classification scheme for the case taxonomy where the case group of existing cases needs to be changed. Previously, each case had to be updated individually but now users can search for cases and mass-update their case groups from the search results tab.

Select the cases in the list, click EditCase groups and then select the new case group and/or child case group to apply for all the selected cases.


References to deleted cases or documents detail tabs

Two new read-only detail tabs have been introduced to the contact details page: References to deleted documents and References to deleted cases.

Each detail tab displays all references of the active contact to documents or cases respectively that have been deleted and are currently in the recycle bin. The new tabs can be used with the existing Case references and Documents detail tabs on the contact detail page to get an overview of a contact's references before deleting the contact.

The new detail tabs are not displayed by default and must be added to the detail page, either manually or as part of a WorkZone configuration.

CPR Batch and guardians without CPR numbers

When importing CPR contact data from CPR Online or updating CPR contact data using CPR Batch, guardians that do not possess a Danish CPR number (for example legal companies acting as interim guardians) are now automatically imported into WorkZone as a Person (without CPR) contact. A reference with the Guardian role is also automatically created between the contact and the guardian.

Note: The default contact type (known as Name types) of guardians without CPR numbers can be changed to better suit your organization's requirements.

If CPR Batch is employed

If a new guardian without CPR number is assigned to the contact, the next CPR Batch update will create the new guardian in WorkZone along with a new reference with the Guardian role. The old guardian contact will not be deleted from WorkZone but the reference between the old guardian and the contact will be removed.

CPR Batch subscriptions

A subscription to CPR Batch update is now first created when a contact is imported into WorkZone. Previously, a subscription to the CPR Batch update was automatically created for a contact when a user performed a search for the contact.

Contact data is only updated if a contact has been imported into the WorkZone database and also subscribes to CPR Batch imports.

CPR number updates

If a contact's CPR number is updated, for example if the contact has registered a gender change, the contact's CPR number in WorkZone will be updated automatically if CPR Batch is subscribed to and set up correctly. If a subscription to CPR Batch is not active, the contact's CPR number can be updated manually through CPR Online.

When updating a contact's CPR number, regardless of how it is done, the contact's previous CPR number is stored in the Previous name code field to help users search for the contact using the previous CPR number as well as the new one. The Previous name code field is not displayed by default and must be added manually to the contact searches, contact detail pages and contact lists.

The Previous name code field is read-only and cannot be updated through user interaction.


Changed free text search behavior

The behavior of free text searches has been changed.

If three search words or less are entered in the free text search field, the entire search expression will be interpreted as containing an AND operator between each search word. The automatically applied AND operators will not be displayed in the free text search field. Since free text searches look up in all indexed text, the values in the Name 1 and Name 2 fields can be searched for more effectively.
For example, entering Anne Fingerton in the free text search field will display the contacts named Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe and Anne Marie Fingerton Smith in the search results tab when the search is executed.


If any search operators (AND, OR, NOT, etc) are manually applied to the search words in the free text search field (for example “Frank OR Lloyd OR Wright”), the free text search expression will not be interpreted as containing an AND operator between each search word and the search expression will be applied as it is entered in the field.

If four or more search words are specified in the free text search field, all the individual search words will be joined into one single search expression – for example entering Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe in the free text search field will result in a search for “Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe”. When the search is executed, the contact named Anne Marie Fingerton Smythe will be displayed in the search results tab but the contact named Anne Marie Fingerton Smith will not be displayed.


Copy documents to other cases and register as archived

Documents can be copied to other cases and registered as archived during the copying process. This enables archived documents can be copied to other cases and still retain their archived states on the new cases.

Copied archived documents are created as drafts in the case they are copied to by default, but you can select to register the document as archived on the new case when you copy it.

Annotate, redact and edit PDF documents

PDF documents can be annotated, redacted and edited using the new Advanced PDF functionality. Advanced PDF replaces the Advanced PDF viewer introduced in WorkZone 2020.3 all aspects.

Separate Advanced PDF licenses are required to annotate/redact and edit PDF documents. A free version of the Advanced PDF is however available and installed by default. The free version of Advanced PDF can only be used to read PDF documents and the default WorkZone PDF Viewer is still installed and enabled for all users.

Note: Licensed versions of Advanced PDF must be enabled in WorkZone Configurator.

The Advanced PDF license consists of three tiers. The first tier is installed by default and is free of charge. The second tier includes annotation and redaction features while the third tier contains annotation, redaction and advanced PDF editing features. The PDF Viewer is still available by default and enabled for use.

Both the Advanced PDF and PDF Viewer panes are opened from the preview pane. By default the preview pane contains and displays the PDF Viewer pane, but the preview pane must be configured to also display the Advanced PDF pane.

Advanced PDF enables WorkZone users to do the following on a PDF document:

  • Add advanced annotations such as highlights, notes, callouts, comments, apply text formatting such as striking out, underlining or marking text, adding text boxes and free hand drawings.
  • Search for and mark terms for redaction.
  • Preview text marked for redaction before applying the redactions as well as sending the redaction-marked document for review before redaction is applied.
  • Rotate, move or delete pages.
  • Extract existing pages.
  • Add, remove or edit temporary bookmarks.
  • Add a watermark to the document.

Note: AdvancedPDF editing is not supported by the Internet Explorer 11 browser .


Updated pinned tabs behavior

Pinned tabs are now collapsed and grouped in the far left of the tab row, freeing up space for the detail page tabs. Pinned and unpinned tabs can be rearranged by dragging the tabs to new positions within in the tab groupings (pinned or unpinned). Pinned and unpinned tabs cannot be mixed in the tab row. A tooltip text is displayed when hovering a mouse cursor over a pinned tab.

Pinned tabs as well as their tab order are restored whenever WorkZone Client launches and can be used as a quick way to have a set of favorite or important pages ready for work when WorkZone Client is opened.

To pin, unpin as well as close a tab, right-click the tab and select the relevant option from the menu. Closing a pinned tab will also unpin it.