
Note: These steps are not interdependent and can be performed in any order.

General troubleshooting flow:

Issue DB Config PDF Engine PDF Crawler

Any issues

Check the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer form. See The Event Viewer.

Installation fails

Run silent installation with logging enabled. See Install silently.

Database is not accessible

Check names for TSN and DNS.


PDF Engine web service is not accessible (error 500)


Verify the installation in IIS.


Database errors

Check the tables:



Check the tables:


Check the tables:

  • Perform a select from the dvs_render_info table for the needed document.
  • Check that the policy is valid and enabled (enabled = "J") in the dvs_policy table for the needed document.

You get an unexpected result


Check the corresponding website's settings in the Administrator's Guide for WorkZone Configurator.

Check the corresponding Crawler settings in the Administrator's Guide for WorkZone Configurator.

Access errors

Check whether database configuration settings are correct. See Perform database configuration.

Verify the authentication settings in IIS. See Verify the installation.

  • Enable logging in WorkZone PDF Crawler. See WorkZone PDF Crawler logs. Analyze the logs.
  • Check the rights of the user who runs the service.

A particular document cannot be converted

  1. Open the file that failed to be converted and ensure that it's not damaged.
  2. Try to perform a manual PDF conversion for a different file, for example, convert *.txt to *.pdf.

Enable logging in WorkZone PDF Crawler. See WorkZone PDF Crawler logs. Analyze the logs.

Other issues

If troubleshooting does not solve the issue, please create a support case with KMD support and include error messages, log files, or document files depending on the issue.

See also

Troubleshooting in the WorkZone PDF Administrator Guide.