Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Frigivne hotfixes for WorkZone 2022.0
Hotfixpakker for denne version af WorkZone beskrives nedenfor.
Hotfixbeskrivelserne er kun på engelsk.
Du kan finde en oversigt over fejlrettelser i den oprindelige release af denne version af WorkZone i Fejlrettelser
For versionsoversigten for 2022.0, se 2022.0 versionsoversigt (udgivet oktober, 2021)
WorkZone Client

2022.0 HF01
AND operator is added when doing a free text search with three words or less
TFS Number: 212826
If you do a free text search on three words or less, WorkZone adds an AND operator between the words in the search. This causes problems if, for example you want to search for John Doe, but you do not want the search results to include, for example John Andersen Doe.
Now, the behavior has changed, so that if you put the search text in quotation marks, WorkZone will not add the AND operator between the words in the search. In the example above, it means that when you do the free text search with quotation marks, for example "John Doe", the search result will not include documents that contain the string John Andersen Doe, but a search without the quotation marks will.
WorkZone Configurator
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Content Server

2022.0 HF01
Filtering search results sometimes failed
TFS Number: 204608
Filtering search results would sometimes fail with an error message being displayed or the filtered search results would take a long time to be displayed. This was caused by bad performance of the Oracle database when filtering on PAX in Record combined with other search filter criteria. The filter performance on search results has been optimized and made more reliable.

2022.0 HF02
The Responsible Unit field on a case could not be updated after upgrade
TFS Number: 209958
After an upgrade of WorkZone from WorkZone 2020.1 to WorkZone 2022.0, the Responsible unit field on a case could not be edited or updated if the applied case number mask included organizational units.
Now, the Responsible unit field can be edited and updated, regardless of whether or not organizational units are used in the case number mask.

2022.0 HF03
Supplementary documents do not inherit the retention code when moving the main document to a new case
TFS Number: 204589/CS1594556/SRITM0866921
When moving a main document and its supplementary documents to a new case, the retention code for supplementary documents was not updated. Both the main document and the supplementary documents should inherit the retention code from the new case.
Problem with the default retention policy for supplementary documents
TFS Number: 204590
When adding a new document to a case as a supplementary document or moving an existing document from a case to a new case as supplementary document, the supplementary document inherited the retention code from the case, and not from the new main document. In both situations, the supplementary document should inherit the retention code from the main document and not from the case.
Main documents and supplementary documents without retention codes were not always handled as expected
TFS Number: 214772
When moving a main document and its supplementary documents to a new case, the retention codes on the documents were not always updated with the retention code of the new case.
Now, the main document and its supplementary documents inherit the retention code from the case that the documents are moved to. If the new case does not have a retention code, the retention code on the documents will be cleared.
WorkZone Explorer
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Mobile
No current hotfix.
WorkZone 365 (tidligere WorkZone Office)
No current hotfix.
WorkZone for Office
WorkZone PDF

2022.0 HF01
WorkZone PDF fails to install
TFS Number: 202695
The WorkZone PDF 2022.0 fails to install, returning the "Value cannot be null" error and showing no errors in the event log.
No logs after failed installation of WorkZone PDF 2022.0
TFS Number: 202002
When installing the 2022.0 WorkZone PDF version using Olympus, it fails to install and no errors are displayed in the event log.
PDF - shipping log document shows wrong date
TFS Number: 202087
The date field in the upper right corner (shipping log date) does not update to the current date.

2022.0 HF02
Sometimes documents are not converted to PDF
TFS Number: 221658
CS1725111, INC4578260
Sometimes when trying to convert a lot of documents (50+) to PDF either via the Create PDF button in WorkZone Client or by using a conversion policy, the documents were not converted (with the "ModData value is empty" error shown in OData), or the conversion was taking several hours.
PDF service fails on conversion if ModDate property is empty
TFS Number 235565
Remedy: 849361
When a document had an empty ModDate property, the PDF service failed on conversion.
Now, the ModDate will be set if it is empty.
WorkZone Process

2022.0 HF01
This hotfix installs the integration to Next generation Digital Post (NgDP) released by the Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen).
The WorkZone NgDP integration can be used in production when the Agency for Digitisation releases NgDP November 30, 2021.
Assign Read rights to WzpSVCapp pool and process user windows account
After installing the hotfix, you must assign Read certificate rights to the Windows account used by the WorkZone user as well as to the IIS APPPOOL\WzpSvc app pool on all Web servers as well as the Agent server.
For information about installation and configuration of the NgDP integration, please see:
Configure SmartPost to use next generation Digital Post (NgDP)
Install and configure WorkZone e-Boks Push Service
If you need help with the implementation of the NgDP integration, KMDWorkZone Consulting offers NgDP relevant services.
Please contact your Service Delivery Manager for more information.
Known issues and workarounds
Due to unforeseen discrepancies in the test systems of the Danish Digitization Agency, the following issues with the new NgDP feature have been identified at the time of release of this hotfix:
- Occasional HTTP500 response from NgDP
- Failure to receive messages from borger.dk
- Missing Business Receipt Reconstruction Events
We will continue to handle these issues and all affected customers will be informed of our progress when the test systems of the Danish Digitization Agency enable us to continue our testing.
Issues that are critical for the deployment and utilization of the NgDP feature will be patched in a future hotfix.
Processes will not start after installing the hotfix
If you can't start processes after installing the hotfix:
do AppPoolRecycle for "WzpSvc" and "EBoksPushAppPool" on all WorkZone servers, if you still can't start processes, run the IISreset command on all WorkZone servers.

2022.0 HF02
Asynchronous receipts result in a “SmartPost was unsuccessful” message
TFS Number: 200930
Asynchronous receipts resulted in a “SmartPost was unsuccessful” message after 5 minutes. Now receipts are retrieved after the message has been sent and the number of retries and delay is controlled from wzp_error_manager. You can set how many times, SmartPost should try to receive the business receipt and at what interval in the error manager. Default is 180 times with an interval of 900 seconds.
Mass Dispatch: Error checking e-Boks subscription status of CVR recipients
TFS Number: 200589
If a mass dispatch message was sent to a CVR company as the recipient, an error message saying that the company was not subscribed to e-Boks was received. Sending a standard SmartPost message to the same CVR company via NgDP resulted in a successful dispatch. The issue was caused by an error in the procedure that checks for subscription status of CVR recipients.
The procedure now checks the correct field in the reply from NgDP
IDs in the SmartPost history documents have changed
The IDs that are shown in the SmartPost history documents have been changed to show IDs that can be used to search for errors in NgDP.
Known issues and workarounds
Broken dispatcher sequences after upgrade
If you have multiple dispatchers of the same type, for example dispatchers of the e-Boks type, that are set up for either e-Boks or NgDP, the dispatch sequences will break after upgrade. The dispatch sequences will fall back to the first dispatcher that it finds after the upgrade. Note that this also applies to the dispatcher that is used by the e-Boks Message Handler service workflow, which is used to retrieve messages from e-Boks or NgDP.
To work around this issue, you should verify the dispatch sequences after the upgrade and correct them if needed. Before you do the upgrade, make sure to document how the dispatch sequences are configured, for example by taking a screenshot.
Endless error messages on the agent server
TFS Number: 200930
If you have configured an NgDP dispatcher incorrectly with an invalid system ID, corrected it, and recycled the app pool, you will see a large number of errors on the agent server because of an invalid system ID in the PushServiceSystemConfiguration.
To fix this issue, you must load the system configuration using this command:
and then delete the incorrect system configuration for the specific system using this command:
Delete-PushServiceSystemConfiguration -SystemId <systemid>
After removing the incorrect system ID, the logging will stop.
Process labels are shown in German
If process labels are shown in German, follow the steps below to solve the issue.
- Enable German in WorkZone Configurator. Go to Global > Language settings.
- Recycle the sjvc app pool, or perform the
command on the server where the process packages are loaded. - In ScanSql or SQL Plus, run:
update wzp_package set md5hash = '' where name in ('Basis','Agency','Extended','ExternalCommunication','F2','Interact','MassDispatch','Ministerial')
- Run the Process configuration again:
'C:\Program Files (x86)\KMD\WorkZone\Process\Bin\Scanjour.Process.Configurator.exe -ForcePackageLoad'
The first time, the configuration will fail just before it gets to the loading of the process packages, and you need to run step 4 one more time.
- Disable German in WorkZone Configurator. Go to Global > Language settings.
- Recycle the sjsvc app pool, or perform the
command again on the server where the process packages are loaded.

2022.0 HF03
After updating a case activity with a new version of the DCR process, the Case monitor service workflow applies the previous version
TFS number: 203708/INC4411248
If you update a case activity in WorkZone Configurator with a new version of the DCR process (the XML graph file), the Case monitor service workflow does not apply the new version of DCR process to the cases but still applies the previous version until next recycle of the app pool.
Deadlines and delays on activities do not start automatic execution of activities
TFS number: 211798/INC4403246
DCR processes that includes activities with deadlines or delays do not wake up and execute activities automatically after a delay or when a deadline is reached.
WorkZone Mass Dispatch
No current hotfix.
WorkZone Interact
No current hotfix.