Opdateret: 02-01-2025
F2 integration
With the F2 add-on package installed, the phase process capabilities of WorkZone Process become available in the communication between work groups that use F2 and WorkZone, respectively.
- When a requisition from an F2 work group is received in WorkZone, a case is automatically created, and a Ministerial phase process is started.
- A case handler is automatically appointed according to the requisition and the case handler receives the requisition as a smarttask.
- The case handler can work with the process and add contributors. When the contributors have completed their tasks, the case handler can submit the input from WorkZone Process to F2.
Monitor mailboxes for requisitions
Emails with requisitions that will be processed in WorkZone Process are identified by a mail monitor. The mailboxes that receive F2 requisitions must be set up with a mail monitor that polls for emails with an XML attachment. The XML attachment serves the following purposes:
- It identifies emails with requisitions that should start a service workflow.
- It contains information about responsibilities and deadlines and this information is used in the service workflow.
Emails that do not have an XML attachment are disregarded by the mail monitor.
For more information about setting up mail monitors, see Install and configure F2 integration.
Requisition instructions
A document may be available for additional descriptions or instructions. The document is saved on the case that is created based on the requisition.
You specify a template for the instruction document using the F2Template parameter in WorkZone Configurator. For more information about the F2Template parameter, see the parameter overview in Install and configure F2 integration
Requisitions that you receive in a mailbox
Requisitions that are received in a mailbox are either issued with the mailbox on the TO line or with the mailbox on the CC line.
Mail recipients on the TO line
- When an F2 requisition is identified in a mailbox where this mailbox is on the TO line, a case is created and a Ministerial phase process is started.
- Any documents from the requisition are attached to the case, and case details such as case handler and case unit are derived from the XML document attached to the F2 requisition. Note that all parties are looked up in existing contacts.
- A phase process of the type Ministerial is created. Service workflow details such as the title of the workflow and F2 specific deadlines are derived from the XML document. The phase approval deadline is calculated as the deadline specified in the XML minus two days.
Mail recipients on the CC line
- When an F2 requisition is identified in a mailbox where the mailbox is on the CC line, the mail is saved on a shared case, and a predefined mailbox receive a notification about the requisition. The notification contains a link to the default case and to the requisition.
- The shared case that is used for this information is created automatically when a mail with a mailbox recipient on the CC line is registered. For more information about automatic creation of a case, see F2 integration in the WorkZone Installation Guide.
- The mailbox that receives information about the requisition is set up in the F2InformationMailBox parameter in WorkZone Configurator.
Why do I receive requisition emails that I have received once before?
If you experience that the same requisition email is sent to you more than once, it might be due to one of the following changes:
- A service handle name has been changed for a service that monitors the mailbox that handles your requisitions.
- A new service with a new service handle name has been created for the mailbox that handles your requisitions.
Both of the changes mentioned above have the effect that all requisition emails are handled once again. For more information about the ServicHandleName parameter, see Install and configure F2 integration.
Parties associated with cases and documents
When an F2 requisition is identified in a mailbox, cases are created and documents are saved. Parties associated with the cases and documents can be controlled by the F2PartyMap parameter in WorkZone Configurator. See the F2PartyMap parameter, see Install and configure F2 integration.
The F2PartyMap parameter is NOT specified
When the F2PartyMap parameter is not specified, the contacts become parties on documents and cases:
- Cases: The mail recipient, the return-to user, and any CC recipients.
- Documents on cases: The sender, the recipient, and any CC recipient.
The F2PartyMap parameter is specified
When the F2PartyMap parameter, individual email addresses are mapped to a contact name codes as specified in WorkZone Client:
- When an F2 case is created based on a requisition, the parties on the case include contacts that are specified by the F2PartyMap parameter. For example, say that a case is created based on an email sent by Elisabeth@Fvst.dk to Ann@lmdom.local, and the F2PartyMap parameter specifies that the fvst and the lmdom domains should map to the contacts FOODAUTHORITY and FSA, respectively. This would mean that apart from Elisabeth and Ann, the FOODAUTHORITY and the FSA contacts are included as parties on the F2 case and documents that are created by the F2 service workflow.
Updated F2 requisitions
If F2 requisitions are updated by F2, emails are sent to the monitored inbox. WorkZone identifies the F2 update emails based on the email subject. If an existing case with a corresponding requisition ID is found, it is updated with new information. The case handler and the mailbox that receives information about requisitions (as specified in the F2InformationMailbox parameter) are notified about the update in an email. See Updated requisitions in the WorkZone Process User Guide.
If the requisition case does not exist, the update email is ignored.
Cancelled F2 requisitions
If F2 requisitions are cancelled from F2, emails are sent to the monitored inbox. WorkZone identifies the cancelled F2 requisition emails based on the email subject.
The Ministerial phase process will be cancelled but any sub processes must be handled manually. The case handler and the mailbox that receives information about requisitions (as specified in the F2InformationMailbox parameter) are notified about the cancellation of the F2 requisition in an email. See Cancelled requisitions in the WorkZone Process User Guide.
Replies to F2
When a requisition has been processed, it can be delivered to F2 using the F2 Delivery sub process. The following recipients get the delivery:
- The case handler in the F2 work group. The case handler is identified by a return field in the requisition XML. For more information, see How XML information maps to an F2 requisition workflow.
- A mailbox that is set up for the F2 work group. Via this mailbox information can be routed to people in the work group that should be notified about the delivery. The mailbox is defined in the F2InformationMailbox parameter in WorkZone Configurator. For more information, see Configure recipients of F2 answers.
- Additional recipients in the WorkZone environment. These recipients are people that should be notified about the delivery. You can add these recipients manually when you return the delivery to F2. For more information, see Return input to F2 in the online Help for WorkZone Process.
How XML information maps to an F2 requisition workflow
The following table describes the attributes of the case that is created when an F2 requisition is sent from F2 to a WorkZone mailbox. The attributes are mapped from an XML document attached to the F2 requisition.
Case attributes | XML fields | How information maps from XML to WorkZone Process fields |
ID |
<ID> |
The F2 requisition ID field is populated with the requistion ID from the <ID> field in the XML. |
Receiver name and unit | <ReceiverUserName>, <ReceiverUnitName> |
The Case hander and the Case unit fields are automatically populated with the information from the <ReceiverUserName> and the <ReceiverUnitName> fields. When an email with an XML attached is sent to <ReceiverUserName>, a user task is sent to this person and a process is started for this person. |
Return information |
<ReturnToEmail> <ReturnToUserName> <ReturnToUnitName> |
The return-to fields are populated with recipients of the requisition after it has been processed. The recipient information is retrieved from the <ReturnToEmail>,<ReturnToUserName>, and the <ReturnToUnitName> fields. The fields are searched in this order to identify a valid receipt address. Delivery to the F2 work group can be completed using the F2 Delivery process task. Note, that the return-to recipients are recipients within the F2 environment, that should be informed about the delivery. A mailbox for F2 return deliveries must also be stated in the F2AnswerMailBox parameter in the WZP_SERVICE_PARAMETER table. For more information about the parameter setup, see Monitor mail activity.
Sender information |
<SentByUserName> <SentbyUnitName> |
External sender fields can be shown on the case and populated with the external sender information from the <SentByUserName> and the <SentbyUnitName> fields. |
Description | <Description> | The description fields are automatically populated with the information from the <Description> field. |
Case title |
<RequsitionChoices> <Title> |
The title of the case is combined from the <RequsitionChoices> strings and the <Title> field. For example:
Case number | <CaseNumber> |
The External case number field can be shown on the case and populated with the case number from the <CaseNumber> field. |
Case type | By default, the case type is set to SJ-TEMP. |
Searching the WorkZone contacts for F2 parties
When an F2 service workflow is started, the F2 requisition identifies the parties of the requisition. The requisition parties are persons that must be matched with contacts in WorkZone.
The F2 requisition party information is available in the XML file, which is part of the F2 requisition and the information in the XML file may vary in terms of detail levels.
In some cases both a name and an email address is available and in other cases only a name (Name1 + Name2) is stated.
The search for a match of contacts is processed in the following sequence:
- Email address.
- Name1 + Name2
- NameCode.