Opdateret: 02-01-2025
Frequent operations
During everyday usage of the systems, you should regularly check the following areas in order to optimize performance and stability of WorkZone and the Oracle database.
When and how often you perform the checks will depend on the work schedule of your organization, the size and complexity of your installations, and the window of opportunity you have for your analysis.
The Windows Event Viewer and Services form
Use Windows Event Viewer and Windows Services to be alerted of any errors or alerts triggered by events or failed services in Windows or failed jobs in WorkZone agents, for example failed PDF conversions of documents, failed free text indexes, or other WorkZone agent jobs.
Once an alert or event has been registered in the Event Viewer or Services forms, you can analyze the source of the event and take steps to fix or alleviate the error.
Monitor the database
Use the database monitoring tools and procedures from Oracle to monitor and fix any reported errors and events in the database.
Tune your database and manually check that the db_keep_cache isn’t red. The 3rd party monitoring tools form or Basecare Discover can also perform these functions.
Monitor the status of key WorkZone agents and services
Check the status of WorkZone agents (OCR, FIX, SUB) in the SERVICE_QUEUE table, the WZP (WorkZone Process Service) in the Windows Service Manager and the status of the PDF conversions for the WorkZone PDF Crawler in the DVS_RENDER_INFO table.
Text index performance
Check the text index log to determine whether the index optimization jobs are scheduled with sufficient time to finish the job.
Adjust the amount of time allotted to the optimization job or the scheduling, if necessary, to ensure that the optimization is completed.