Updated: 02/01/2025
Conversion errors
Conversion errors are stored in the DVS_RENDER_INFO table in WorkZone Content Server. Users can view these errors in WorkZone Client. Administrators can view the errors in the ScanSQL program.
View unconverted documents in WorkZone Client
The WorkZone PDF installation creates the following lists in WorkZone Client: Unconverted, All unconverted and All unconverted - total. Users can open these lists from the navigation pane on the Dashboard. The Unconverted list is displayed in the navigation pane by default. Users can add the other two lists as needed. See how to add a list to the navigation pane in WorkZone Client.
Users must have the LISTCONF
access code.
- Unconverted (Danish: Ikke-konverterede)
The list displays changed by the current user documents that failed to convert due to some issues. The documents have the status REVIEW. It implies that the user can correct the issues and the documents will be converted later.
- All unconverted (Danish: Alle ikke-konverterede)
The list displays changed by the current user documents that cannot be converted. The documents have a status REVIEW, SKIPPED, or FAILED. In other words, the list contains documents that the user can correct and the documents that cannot be corrected.
- All unconverted – total (Danish: Alle ikke-konverterede – total)
The list displays all documents that cannot be converted, even if the current user hasn't worked with them. The documents have a PDF status REVIEW, SKIPPED, or FAILED.
The lists contain the following PDF conversion specific fields:
- PDF status (Danish: PDF-tilstand) – It can obtain three states – REVIEW, SKIPPED, or FAILED – depending on the type of error. See Conversion states.
- PDF error message (Danish: PDF-fejlbeskrivelse) – It shows a description of the error.
Handle conversion errors
All documents must be in a state where they can be converted or have a copy that can be converted. Depending on the state of the document and on the type of error, users can perform actions to correct the content and then have the document re-converted.
The way to correct documents that cause unsuccessful conversions depends on whether the document is a draft or not.
- Drafts
- Locked documents
If a document is in a draft state, for example, UP
or UÅ
, the user can correct the document, save it, and it will be re-converted.
If a document is locked and thus has one of the other states, for example, UL
, and O
, the user cannot change it and, therefore, it will never be converted successfully. Depending on the type of error, the user may need to create a new copy of the document, correct the errors, save the document, and it will then be converted.
Note: Even if the new version of the document is converted successfully, the old version will still be on your list of failed documents until your organization delivers documents to the Danish National Archives and starts a new filing period.