
Prerequisite: To use the process overview and work with processes associated with the cases, the WorkZone for Outlook add-in must be installed.

You can work with processes associated with the cases and use the process overview directly from Microsoft Outlook. For information about processes, see About WorkZone Process.

Manage processes

Here you can find detailed information about processes and actions on them you can conduct.

Start a process from Outlook

Use the Processes Overview

Work with tasks

Take over a task from another user

Prerequisite: To take over a task from another users, you must have the PROCESSADM access code.

If you open a smartmail with a task that another user is already working on, the smartmail is displayed with all process options disabled and with the notification that this task is already used by another user. But if needed, you can select to take over the control of this task.

  1. Open a smartmail with a task that another user is already working on.
  2. Click Take over in the notification message.

Refresh a changed task

There may be situations where a smartmail with a task is updated after you have opened it. In this case, you will see a notification saying that this task has been changed and an option to get the latest version of this task from the server.

  • Click Refresh in the notification displayed for the changed smartmail.