What's new

Save email with attachments as main documents in WorkZone

When you save an email with attachments (attached files or embedded files) in WorkZone, you can save the email message and its attachments as individual main documents on the selected case. See Save email with attachments as main documents in WorkZone.

Re-save emails on another case (Hotfix 01 only)

Save an already saved email on another WorkZone case, with or without editing the metadata. See Save an already saved email on another case (WorkZone 365 HF 01 only).

Edit email information when saving emails to WorkZone (Hotfix 01 only)

  • When saving email attachments to WorkZone, you can now edit their metadata. See Save email with attachments as main documents in WorkZone
  • Copy documents from Microsoft Sharepoint (Experimental)

    If your organization also uses Microsoft Sharepoint Server for document management and/or document repository and your organization has set up WorkZone integration from Microsoft Sharepoint, you can copy one or more documents from Sharepoint into WorkZone.

    When documents are copied from Sharepoint to WorkZone, the documents are not deleted from Sharepoint or marked in any way to indicate they are now also stored in WorkZone. The documents will effectively exist in two document management systems: Microsoft Sharepoint and WorkZone and can be edited in both systems independently of each other. Apart from copying documents to WorkZone, there is no other integration between Microsoft Sharepoint and WorkZone

    If you want to only have the Sharepoint documents managed in WorkZone, you must manually remove the documents from Sharepoint or edit the document titles/names in Sharepoint to indicate that the documents in question no longer are considered active in Sharepoint.

    It is not possible to copy documents from WorkZone to Microsoft Sharepoint.

    Meta data in WorkZone

    Document meta data is not transferred from Sharepoint to WorkZone and must be added to the copied documents in WorkZone Client after the documents have been copied. Copying documents from Sharepoint will circumvent any fields (standard or custom) that have been defined as mandatory but once the document meta data needs to be saved in WorkZone, all mandatory field requirements will be respected.

    The only document meta data that will be created when copying documents from sharepoint to WorkZone is the document title and the Document Type field, which will automatically be assigned the DOK, document value.

    Note: The copy integration from Microsoft Sharepoint is an experimental feature for this release.